The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering which was started in the year 2002 offers a UG Programme (B.Tech.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering with sanctioned intake of 30 and two PG Programmes (M.Tech.) in Digital Systems Computer Electronics (DSCE) with sanctioned intake of 24 and VLSI System Design with sanctioned intake of 18. It has dedicated and specialized faculty members in different areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering with rich experience in academics, industry and research. The department has well equipped and spacious laboratories with modern equipment’s.
To inculcate academic excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering Education and Research and turn out students into competent professionals to serve society.
- To provide quality education by optimal utilization of resources.
- To provide a framework for a professional career, higher education and research activities.
- To instil the spirit of positive attitude, ethical practices, service to society and life-long learning.
Why Should I Study Electronics and Communication Engineering?
The world has become smaller thanks to electronics and communication. Just a few decades ago, it would have seemed impossible for one to communicate with someone halfway across the world in real-time, that too at an affordable price, but here we are. Today, we can, not only talk but also video chat free of cost with someone halfway across the world. We have electronics and communication engineers to be thanked for this. Electronics and communication engineering (ECE) is more of a blanket term. It actually encompasses many specializations under it like consumer electronics, analog electronics, digital electronics and more. Electronic communication engineers can be defined as engineers who research, develop and make modern-day electronic devices and communication systems. Therefore, you can judge how important this profession is.
What will I Learn?
The most important benefit that the Electronics and Communication branch provides you is the freedom to drift between hardware field and software field. Furthermore, this is also the reason that a lot of industries choose to prefer Electronics and Communications engineers over other engineers. During the four years of Electronics and Communication Engineering, students gain the knowledge of both the hardware and the software aspects.
While they learn about electronic circuits, devices, and communication systems, they also learn about embedded systems, programming languages, and assembly languages. An Electronics and Communication Engineer, who has knowledge about the hardware field, and also has a grip over some computer languages, will be more successful during his career than another student who is proficient only in the software field. Hence, Electronics and Communication Engineers can switch from hardware to software field, but it is not the other way around.
A fine blend of highly experienced and young faculty members with 5 doctorates Use of various active learning methods and aids to enable joyful learning and a better understanding.
Industrial visits, in-plant-trainings and internships during end semester vacations to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Active participation of Students in Symposiums, workshops and events conducted by other reputed institutions and various industries led technical competitions. Motivation to write and publish research articles in reputed Journals.
Programme Educational Objective (PEO)
Electronics and Communication Graduates should be able to
PEO 1: To prepare Graduates with sound foundation and exhibit strong, independent learning, analytical & problem solving skills in Electronics and Communication Engineering domain.
PEO 2: To facilitate learning in the core field of Electronics and Communication Engineering to integrate technological software & firmware skills to produce high impact, energy efficient and futuristic solutions.
PEO 3: To prepare Graduates to effectively use modern equipment and programming tools to solve problems that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable.
PEO 4: To enable individuals ,acquire skills for life-long learning in the field of Electronics and Communication, related research & innovation to become successful Entrepreneurs.
PEO 5: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, team spirit, leadership qualities skills in Graduates and to make them aware of their social responsibilities.
Programme Outcomes (PO)
Engineering Graduates will be able to
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
After the fruitful completion of B.Tech program in Electronics and Communication, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: The ECE Graduates will be trained with knowledge of complete VLSI design flow from specification to silicon will be able to work in IC Design companies.
PSO2: The ECE Graduates will be well Equipped with microprocessor and micro controller design skills and can work in the area of Embedded Systems Design.
PSO3: The ECE Graduates will be able to apply signal processing and Communications knowledge for design and implementation of projects pertaining to the society
Course Outcomes (CO) R18 2,3,4 YEAR
EC301PC Electronic Devices and Circuits
CO1 Know the characteristics of various components.
CO2 Understand the utilization of components.
CO3 Understand the biasing techniques
CO4 Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits.
CO5 To understand the concepts of simulation by using Spice tool.
EC302PC Network Analysis and Transmission Lines
CO1 Gain the knowledge on basic RLC circuits behavior.
CO2 Analyze the Steady state and transient analysis of RLC Circuits.
CO3 Know the characteristics of two port network parameters.
CO4 Compare circuit matrices of linear graphs and describe magnetic circuits.
CO5 Analyze the transmission line parameters and configurations.
EC303PC Digital System Design
CO1 Understand the numerical information in different forms and Boolean Algebra theorems.
CO2 Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions.
CO3 Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits.
CO4 Illustrate reduction of logical expressions using Boolean algebra and k-map.
CO5 Known about the logic families and realization of logic gates.
EC304PC Signals and Systems
CO1 Differentiate various signal functions.
CO2 Represent any arbitrary signal in time and frequency domain.
CO3 Understand the characteristics of linear time invariant systems.
CO4 Analyze the signals with different transform technique.
CO5 Analyze discrete time signals and systems by using appropriate mathematical tools.
EC305ES Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
CO1 Understand the concepts of Random Process and its Characteristics.
CO2 Understand the response of linear time Invariant system for a Random Processes.
CO3 Determine the Spectral and temporal characteristics of Random Signals.
CO4 Understand the concepts of Noise in Communication systems.
CO5 Create mathematical models for practical design problems and determine theoretical solutions to the created models.
EC306ES Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
CO1 To understand the concepts of diode, transistor and unipolar junction transistor and its characteristics.
CO2 Verify the rectifier circuits using diodes and implement them using hardware.
CO3 Design various amplifiers like CE, CC, common source amplifiers and implement them using hardware and also observe their frequency responses
CO4 Understand the construction, operation and characteristics of JFET
CO5 Understand the construction, operation and characteristics of MOSFET
EC307PC Digital System Design Lab
CO1 Knowledge and use of hardware description language (VHDL) for system modeling and simulation. Describe and explain the operation of fundamental digital gates
CO2 Minimize the Boolean expression using Boolean algebra and design it using logic gates. Analyze the operation of medium complexity standard combinational circuits like the encoder, decoder.
CO3 Analyze the operation of medium complexity standard combinational circuits like the multiplexer, demultiplexers, code converters.
CO4 Analyze and design of sequential circuits
CO5 Design complex digital systems at several level of abstractions; behavioral and structural, synthesis and rapid system prototyping.
EC308ES Basic Simulation Lab
CO1 Analyze various types of signals and sequences
CO2 Apply convolution and correlation operations on different signals.
CO3 Determine the response of an LTI system to given signals.
CO4 Plot the spectrum of a given signal using MATLAB
CO5 To verify sampling theorem.
MC309 Constitution of India
CO1 To realize the significance of constitution of India to students from all walks of life and help them to understand the basic concepts of Indian constitution.
CO2 To identify the importance of fundamental rights as well as fundamental duties
CO3 To understand the functioning of Union, State and Local Governments in Indian federal system.
CO4 To learn procedure and effects of emergency, composition and activities of election commission and amendment procedure.
CO5 To learn procedure and effects of emergency, composition and activities of election commission and amendment procedure.
Year 2 – SEMESTER 1
MA401BS Laplace Transforms, Numerical Methods and Complex Variables CO1 Use the Laplace transforms techniques for solving ODE’s
CO2 Find the root of a given equation.
CO3 Estimate the value for the given data using interpolation
CO4 Find the numerical solutions for a given ODE’s
CO5 Analyze the complex function with reference to their analyticity, integration using Cauchy’s integral and residue theorems.
EC402PC Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
CO1 Get the knowledge of Basic Laws, Concepts and proofs related to Electrostatic Fields and Magneto static Fields.
CO2 Distinguish between the static and time-varying fields, establish the corresponding sets of Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Conditions.
CO3 Analyze the Wave Equations for good conductors, good dielectrics and evaluate the UPW Characteristics for several practical media of interest.
CO4 To analyze completely the rectangular waveguides, their mode characteristics, and design wave guides for solving practical problems.
CO5 Apply Maxwell‘s equations to solutions of problems relating to transmission lines and uniform plane wave propagation.
EC403PC Analog and Digital Communications
CO1 Analyze and design of various continuous wave and angle modulation and demodulation techniques
CO2 Understand the effect of noise present in continuous wave and angle modulation techniques
CO3 Attain the knowledge about AM , FM Transmitters and Receivers
CO4 Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Techniques.
CO5 Understand the concepts of Digital Modulation Techniques and Baseband transmission.
EC404PC Linear IC Applications
CO1 A thorough understanding of operational amplifiers with linear integrated circuits.
CO2 Attain the knowledge of functional diagrams and applications of IC 555 and IC 565
CO3 Acquire the knowledge about the Data converters
CO4 Classify various active filter configurations based on frequency response and construct using 741 OpAmp.
CO5 Analyze and design non linear applications like multiplier, comparator and etc, using Op-Amp.
EC405PC Electronic Circuit Analysis
CO1 Design the multistage amplifiers and understand the concepts of High Frequency Analysis of Transistors.
CO2 Utilize the Concepts of negative feedback to improve the stability of amplifiers and positive feedback to generate sustained oscillations
CO3 Design and realize different classes of Power Amplifiers and tuned amplifiers useable for audio and Radio applications.
CO4 Design Multivibrators and sweep circuits for various applications.
CO5 To study various modulation techniques
EC406PC Analog and Digital Communications Lab
CO1 Demonstrate generation and detection of analog, digital and pulse modulation techniques.
CO2 Explain sampling, PCM, delta modulation, adaptive delta modulation and superheterodyne receiver.
CO3 Compare the different analog techniques
CO4 Distinguish various line coding schemes used for digital data transmission.
CO5 Compare digital modulation techniques.
EC407PC IC Applications Lab
CO1 Design and analyse the various linear applications of op-amp.
CO2 Design and analyse the various non-linear application of op-amp
CO3 Design and analyse filter circuits using op-amp
CO4 Design and analyse oscillators using OP-Amp
CO5 Design and analyse multivibrator circuits using op-amp
EC408PC Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab
CO1 Comprehend the fundaments of multistage amplifiers, feedback, power amplifiers and oscillator circuits
CO2 Analyze the circuit design process and simulate the common base, common emitter and common collector amplifier circuits
CO3 Acquaint with the design and simulate the RC coupled and Cascade amplifier circuits
CO4 Discriminate the design and simulate various oscillator circuits
CO5 Discriminate the design and simulate RC Phase shift oscillator circuits
MC409 Gender Sensitization Lab
CO1 Students will have developed a better understanding of important issues related to gender in contemporary India.
CO2 Students will be sensitized to basic dimensions of the biological, sociological, psychological and legal aspects of gender. This will be achieved through discussion of materials derived from research, facts, everyday life, literature and film.
CO3 Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to counter it.
CO4 Students will acquire insight into the gendered division of labour and its relation to politics and economics.
CO5 Men and women students and professionals will be better equipped to work and live together as equals.
Year 3 – Semester 1
EC501PC Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
CO1 Understands the internal architecture, organization and assembly language programming of 8086 processors.
CO2 Understands the internal architecture, organization and assembly language programming of 8051 microcontrollers
CO3 Understands the interfacing techniques to 8086 and 8051 based systems.
CO4 Understands the internal architecture of ARM processors and basic concepts of advanced ARM processors.
CO5 Design electrical circuitry to the Microprocessor I/O ports in order to interface the processor to external devices.
EC502PC Data Communications and Networks
CO1 Know the Categories and functions of various Data communication Networks
CO2 Design and analyze various error detection techniques.
CO3 Demonstrate the mechanism of routing the data in network layer
CO4 Know the significance of various Flow control and Congestion control Mechanisms
CO5 Know the Functioning of various Application layer Protocols.
EC503PC Control Systems
CO1 Understand the modeling of linear-time-invariant systems using transfer function and state space representations.
CO2 Understand the concept of stability and its assessment for linear-time invariant systems.
CO3 Design simple feedback controllers.
CO4 Employ time domain analysis to predict and diagnose transient performance parameters of the system for standard input functions.
CO5 Formulate different types of analysis in frequency domain to explain the nature of stability of the system
SM504MS Business Economics and Financial Analysis
CO1 The students will understand the various Forms of Business and the impact of economic variables on the Business.
CO2 The Demand, Supply, Production, Cost, Market Structure, Pricing aspects are learnt.
CO3 The Students can study the firm’s financial position by analyzing the Financial Statements of a Company.
CO4 Build up decision making skill under uncertain business climate
CO5 To interpret the basics of financial accounting and relevance of accounting principles
EC513PE Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
CO1 Measure electrical parameters with different meters and understand the basic definition of measuring parameters.
CO2 Use various types of signal generators, signal analyzers for generating and analyzing various real-time signals.
CO3 Operate an Oscilloscope to measure various signals.
CO4 Measure various physical parameters by appropriately selecting the transducers.
CO5 Apply the complete knowledge of various electronics instruments/transducers to measure the physical quantities in the field of science, engineering and technology
EC505PC Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab
CO1 Set up programming strategies for Microprocessor, microcontrollers and select proper mnemonics and run their program on the training boards.
CO2 Practice different types of programming keeping in mind technical issues and evaluate possible causes of discrepancy in practical experimental observations in comparison.
CO3 Develop testing and experimental procedures on Microprocessor analyze their operation under different cases.
CO4 Prepare professional quality textual and computational results using assembly language programming
CO5 Develop testing and experimental procedures on Microcontroller analyze their operation under different cases.
EC506PC Data Communications and Networks Lab
CO1 Student will be able to understand network communication using the layered concept, Open System Interconnect (OSI) and the Internet Model.
CO2 Student will be able to understand various types of transmission media, network devices; and parameters of evaluation of performance for each media and device.
CO3 Student will be able to understand the concept of flow control, error control and LAN protocols; to explain the design of, and algorithms used in, the physical, data link layers.
CO4 Student will understand the working principles of LAN and network management system
CO5 To learn the concepts behind physical and logical addressing, subnetting and supernetting with respect to TCP protocol
EN508HS Advanced Communication Skills Lab
CO1 Acquire vocabulary and use it contextually
CO2 Listen and speak effectively, confidently in formal and informal contexts
CO3 Develop proficiency in academic reading and
CO4 Increase possibilities of job prospects
CO5 Activity analysis for mock interview, group discussions
MC510 Intellectual Property Rights-
CO1 Distinguish and Explain various forms of IPRs
CO2 Identify criteria’s to fit one’s own intellectual work in particular form of IPRs
CO3 Apply statutory provisions to protect particular form of IPRs.
CO4 Identify procedure to protect different forms of IPRs national and international leveL
CO5 Develop skill of making search using modern tools and techniques.
Year 3 – SEMESTER 2
EC601PC Antennas and Propagation
CO1 Characterize the antennas based on frequency, configure the geometry and establish the radiation patterns of VHF, UHF and Microwave antennas and also antenna arrays.
CO2 Specify the requirements for microwave measurements and arrange a setup to carry out the antenna far zone pattern and gain measurements in the laboratory.
CO3 Classify the different wave propagation mechanisms, determine the characteristic features of different wave propagations, and estimate the parameters involved.
CO4 To identify the antenna array requirements, to determine the characteristics of ULAs and estimate the patterns of BSA, EFA, and Binomial Arrays.
CO5 To understand the concepts and set-up requirements for microwave measurements, and familiarize with the procedure to enable antenna measurements
EC602PC Digital Signal Processing
CO1 Understand the LTI system characteristics and Multirate signal processing.
CO2 Understand the inter-relationship between DFT and various transforms.
CO3 Design a digital filter for a given specification.
CO4 Understand the significance of various filter structures and effects of round off errors.
CO5 Understand the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT processing.
EC603PC VLSI Design
CO1 Acquire qualitative knowledge about the fabrication process of integrated circuits using MOS transistors.
CO2 Draw the layout of any logic circuit which helps to understand and estimate parasitic effect of any logic circuit
CO3 Design building blocks of data path systems, memories and simple logic circuits using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD.
CO4 Understand different types of faults that can occur in a system and learn the concept of testing and adding extra hardware to improve testability of system.
CO5 Design simple logic circuit using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD.
EC612PE Mobile Communications and Networks
CO1 Known the evolution of cellular and mobile communication system.
CO2 The student will be able to understand Co-Channel and Non-Co-Channel interferences.
CO3 Understand impairments due to multipath fading channel and how to overcome the different fading effects.
CO4 Familiar with cell coverage for signal and traffic, diversity, techniques, frequency management, Channel assignment and types of handoff.
CO5 Know the difference between cellular and Adhoc Networks and design goals of MAC Layer protocol.
CS601OE Fundamentals of Management for Engineers
CO1 To understand the significance of Management functions like Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Motivation and Control aspects are learnt in this course. The students can explore the Management Practices in their domain area.
CO2 Understand the management concepts
CO3 Analyze the concepts of management
CO4 Development of managerial skills for engineers
CO5 Applications of concepts in practical aspects
EC604PC Digital Signal Processing Lab
CO1 Develop and Implement DSP algorithms in software using a computer language such as C with TMS320C6713 floating point Processor and MATLAB software package.
CO2 Analyze and Observe Magnitude and phase characteristics (Frequency response Characteristics) of digital IIR-Butterworth, Chebyshev filters.
CO3 Analyze and Observe Magnitude and phase characteristics (Frequency response Characteristics) of digital FIR filters using window techniques.
CO4 Design and Analyze Digital Filters using EDA Tool. CO5 Analyze and Observe Frequency response Characteristics of digital IIR filters using window techniques
CO1 Design entry and simulation of combinational &sequential circuits and functional verification
CO2 Synthesis, p&r and post P & R simulation for combinational and sequential circuits.
CO3 Implementation of the combinational &sequential circuits on FPGA hardware
CO4 Write verilog and VHDL code for sequential circuits and understanding design styles.
CO5 Write verilog and VHDL code for different combinational circuits
EC606PC Scripting Languages Lab
CO1 Ability to understand the differences between Scripting languages and programming languages
CO2 Able to gain some fluency programming in Ruby, Perl, TCL
CO3 To implement the concepts of Ruby objects in C
CO4 To gain more knowledge of data structures and packages and perl programming security issues
CO5 To gain more knowledge of perl programming security issues.
MC609 Environmental Science
CO1 Based on this course, the Engineering graduate will understand /evaluate / develop technologies on the basis of ecological principles and environmental regulations which in turn helps in sustainable development
CO2 Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
CO3 Reflect critically about their roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.
CO4 Appreciate that one can apply systems concepts and methodologies to analyze and understand interactions between social and environmental processes.
CO5 Appreciate key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1
EC701PC Microwave and Optical Communications
CO1 Known power generation at microwave frequencies and derive the performance characteristics.
CO2 realize the need for solid state microwave sources and understand the principles of solid state devices.
CO3 distinguish between the different types of waveguide and ferrite components, and select proper components for engineering applications.
CO4 understand the utility of S-parameters in microwave component design and learn the measurement procedure of various microwave parameters.
CO5 Understand the mechanism of light propagation through Optical Fibers.
EC713PE Digital Image Processing
CO1 Explore the fundamental relations between pixels and utility of 2-D transforms in image processer.
CO2 Understand the enhancement, segmentation and restoration processes on an image.
CO3 Implement the various Morphological operations on an image.
CO4 Understand the need of compression and evaluation of basic compression algorithms.
CO5 Describe object detection and recognition techniques.
EC721PE Biomedical Instrumentation
CO1 Understand biosystems and medical systems from an engineering perspective.
CO2 Identify the techniques to acquire record and primarily understand physiological activity of the human body through cell potential, ECG, EEG, BP and blood flow measurement and EMG.
CO3 Understand the working of various medical instruments and critical care equipment.
CO4 Know the imaging techniques including CT,PET, used in diagnosis of various medical conditions.
CO5 Know the imaging techniques including SPECT and MRI used in diagnosis of various medical conditions.
CS701OE Artificial Intelligence
CO1 Ability to formulate an efficient problem space for a problem expressed in natural language.
CO2 Select a search algorithm for a problem and estimate its time and space complexities.
CO3 Possess the skill for representing knowledge using the appropriate technique for a given problem.
CO4 Possess the ability to apply AI techniques to solve problems of game playing, and machine learning.
CO5 Possess the ability to apply AI techniques to solve problems in normal life.
SM702MS Professional Practice, Law and Ethics
CO1 The students will understand the importance of professional practice, Law and Ethics in their personal lives and professional careers. The students will learn the rights and responsibilities as an employee, team member and a global citizen.
CO2 Understanding basic purpose of profession, professional ethics and various moral and social issues.
CO3 Awareness of professional rights and responsibilities of a Engineer, safety and risk benefit analysis of a Engineer.
CO4 Acquiring knowledge of various roles of Enbgineer In applying ethical principles at various professional levels.
CO5 Professional Ethical values and contemporary issues.
EC703PC Microwave and Optical Communications Lab
CO1 Verify characteristics of Reflex Klystron.
CO2 Estimate the power measurements of RF Components such as directional Couplers.
CO3 Analyze various parameters of Waveguide Components.
CO4 Demonstrate characteristics of various optical sources.
CO5 Measure data Rate, Numerical Aperture and Losses in Optical Link.
EC704PC Industrial Oriented Mini Project/ Summer Internship
CO1 Students will be able to practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development.
CO2 Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and systematic approach.
CO3 Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for engineering projects.
CO4 Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects.
CO5 Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings.
EC705PC Seminar
CO1 Establish motivation for any topic of interest and develop a thought process for technical presentation.
CO2 Organize a detailed literature survey and build a document with respect to technical publications.
CO3 Analysis and comprehension of proof-of-concept and related data.
CO4 Effective presentation and improve soft skills.
CO5 Make use of new and recent technology (e.g. Latex) for creating technical reports.
EC706PC Project Stage – I
CO1 Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.
CO2 Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
CO3 Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
CO4 Conduct an engineering project.
CO5 Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.
Year 4 – Semester 2
EC811PE Satellite Communications
CO1 Understand basic concepts and frequency allocations for satellite communication, orbital mechanics and launch vehicles.
CO2 Envision the satellite sub systems and design satellite links for specified C/N.
CO3 Understand the various multiple access techniques for satellite communication systems and earth station technologies.
CO4 Known the concepts of LEO, GEO Stationary Satellite Systems and satellite navigation.
CO5 Define orbital mechanics and launch methodologies.
EC823PE Low Power VLSI Design
CO1 Understand the need of Low power circuit design.
CO2 Attain the knowledge of architectural approaches.
CO3 Analyze and design Low-Voltage Low-Power combinational circuits.
CO4 Known the design of Low-Voltage Low-Power Memories.
CO5 Summarize the power optimization and trade-off techniques in digital circuits.
MT802OE Total Quality Management
CO1 Explain quality standards and need for standardization.
CO2 Implement quality measurement systems in various applications.
CO3 Prepare and use control charts for SQC.
CO4 Implement six sigma approach for various industrial applications.
CO5 Explain standards for total quality management.
EC801PC Project Stage – II
CO1 Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.
CO2 Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
CO3 Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
CO4 Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.
CO5 Conduct an engineering project.
Course Outcomes (CO) R16 2,3,4 YEAR
MA301BS Mathematics – IV (Complex Variables and Fourier Analysis)
CO1 Analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, integration using Cauchy’s integral theorem
CO1 Find the Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion of complex functions the bilinear transformation
CO3 Express any periodic function in term of sines and cosines
CO4 Express a non-periodic function as integral representation
CO5 Analyze one dimensional wave and heat equation
EC302ES Analog Electronics
CO1 Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits applying the biasing techniques learnt earlier.
CO1 Cascade different amplifier configurations to obtain the required overall specifications like Gain, Band width, Input and Output interfacing Impedances.
CO3 Design and realize different classes of Power Amplifiers and tuned amplifiers useable for audio and Radio applications.
CO4 Utilize the Concepts of negative feedback to improve the stability of amplifiers
CO5 Utilize the Concepts of positive feedback to generate sustained oscillations.
EC303ES Electrical Technology
CO1 To analyze the performance of DC generators and motors.
CO1 To analyze the performance of transformers.
CO3 To learn the in-depth knowledge on three phase induction motors.
CO4 To analyze the performance of special motors
CO5 To analyze the performance electrical instruments in real time applications
EC304ES Signals and Stochastic Process
CO1 Represent any arbitrary analog or Digital time domain signal in frequency domain.
CO1 Understand the importance of sampling, sampling theorem and its effects and to understand the characteristics of linear time invariant systems.
CO3 Determine the conditions for distortion less transmission through a system
CO4 Understand the concepts of Random Process and its Characteristics.
CO5 Understand the response of linear time Invariant system for a Random Processes.
EC305ES Network Analysis
CO1 Gains the knowledge on Basic network elements.
CO1 Learns and analyze the RL Ccircuits’ behavior in detail.
CO3 Analyze the performance of periodic waveforms
CO4 Learns and gain the knowledge in characteristics of two portent work parameters(Z,Y,ABCD,h&g).
CO5 To analyze the filter design concepts in real world applications
EC306ES Electronic devices and circuits lab
CO1 Understand the diode and transistor characteristics, Input and output Characteristics of a BJT,
CO1 Verify the rectifier circuits using diodes and implement them using hardware.
CO3 Design various amplifiers like CE, CC, common source amplifiers and implement them using hardware and also observe their frequency responses
CO4 Remember the concepts of unipolar junction transistor and observe its characteristics
CO5 Understand the construction, operation and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET, which can be used in the design of amplifiers.
EC307ES Basic Simulation Lab
CO1 Analyze various types basic operations on matrices, of signals and sequence such as Addition, Multiplication, Scaling Shifting, Folding, Computation of Energy and Average Power
CO1 Apply convolution and correlation operations on different signals. Auto Correlation and Cross Correlation for Signals and Sequences
CO3 Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance Properties of a given Continuous/Discrete System. Determine the response of an LTI system to given signals.
CO4 Computation of Unit sample, Unit step and Sinusoidal responses of the given LTI system and verifying its physical realiability and stability properties .Gibbs Phenomenon Simulation.
CO5 Verify the Sampling theorem. Waveform Synthesis using Laplace Transform.
EC308ES Basic Electrical Engineering Lab
CO1 • To introduce MATLAB and use it as a computation and visualization tool in the study of Signals & Systems and Probability theory & Stochastic process.
CO1 Students will be able to use the applications of MATLAB to signal analysis. And system design.
CO3 Analysis of Resistive Circuits and Solution of resistive circuits with independent sources and Relationships for inductors and capacitors and analysis of magnetic circuits.
CO4 Analysis of Single-Phase AC Circuits, the representation of alternating quantities and determining the power in these circuits.
CO5 To understand the basic principles of DC generators and Motors
MC300ES Environmental Science and Technology
CO1 Based on this course, the Engineering graduate will understand /evaluate / develop technologies on the basis of ecological principles and environmental regulations which in turn helps in sustainable development
CO1 Get the information about eco system and also about its functions like Food chain, Ecological pyramids etc.,
CO3 Get the knowledge about the different types of resources like land, water, mineral and energy and also about the effects of environment by the usage of these resources.
CO4 Gain the knowledge about the ecosystem diversity, its values and also about the importance of the endemic species and different techniques involved in its conservation
CO5 Gain the knowledge about the different types of pollutions and their control technologies, Waste water treatment, Bio medical waste management etc
Year 2 – SEMESTER 2
EC401ES Switching Theory and Logic Design
CO1 Be able to manipulate numeric information in different forms, e.g. different bases, signed integers, various codes such as ASCII, Gray and BCD.
CO1 Be able to manipulate simple Boolean expressions using the theorems and postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions.
CO3 Be able to design and analyze small combinational circuits and to use standard combinational functions/ building blocks to build larger more complex circuits.
CO4 Be able to design and analyze small sequential circuits and devices
CO5 To understand and sequential functions/building blocks to build larger more complex circuits.
EC402ES Pulse and Digital Circuits
CO1 Understand the applications of diode as integrator, differentiator, clippers, and clamper circuits.
CO1 Learn various switching devices such as diode, transistor, SCR. Difference between logic gates and sampling gates
CO3 Design multi vibrators for various applications, synchronization techniques and sweep circuits.
CO4 Realizing logic gates using diodes and transistors.
CO5 Understanding of time and frequency domain aspects. Importance of clock pulse and its generating techniques
SM405ES Business Economics and Financial Analysis
CO1 The students will understand the various Forms of Business
CO1 The students will understand the impact of economic variables on the Business.
CO3 The students will understand the Demand, Supply, Production
CO4 The students will understand Cost, Market Structure, Pricing aspects
CO5 The Students can study the firm’s financial position by analyzing the Financial Statements of a Company
EE404ES Control Systems
CO1 To Improve the system performance by selecting a suitable controller and/or a compensator for a specific application
CO1 To Apply various time domain and frequency domain techniques to assess the system performance
CO3 To Apply various control strategies to different applications (example: Power systems, electrical drives etc…)
CO4 To Test system Controllability and Observability using state space representation and
CO5 To know applications of state space representation to various systems.
EC405ES Analog Communications
CO1 Able to analyze and design various modulation and demodulation analog systems.
CO1 Understand the characteristics of noise presenting analog systems.
CO3 Study of signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) performance of various Analog Communication systems.
CO4 Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Systems.
CO5 • Understand the concepts of Multiplexing: Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).
EC406ES Analog Communications Lab
CO1 To develop practical knowledge about theories of analog communication and develop practical knowledge about simulation software
CO1 • To provide hands-on experience to the students, so that they are able to apply theoretical concepts in practice.
CO3 • Demonstrate various pulse modulation techniques
CO4 • Evaluate analog modulated waveform in time /frequency domain and also find modulation index
CO5 • Able to analyze and design various modulation and demodulation systems •
EC407ES Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab
CO1 • Design various linear & non-linear circuits and analyze their response.
CO1 • Design and generate various types of non-sinusoidal waveforms using multi-vibrators.
CO3 • Design current and voltage sweep circuits based on given specifications.
CO4 • Able to analyze and design various oscillator circuits
CO5 • Able to analyze the RC circuit characteristics and analyze the diode and transistor applications
EC408ES Analog Electronics Lab
CO1 • Apply the concepts of amplifiers in the design of Public Addressing System.
CO1 • Generate Sinusoidal wave forms of given specifications.
CO3 • Design stable system using feedback concepts.
CO4 • Design multi vibrators using transistor.
CO5 • Generate a square wave form of given specification
MC400HS Gender Sensitization Lab
CO1 To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural construction of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society
CO1 Students will be sensitized to basic dimensions of the biological, sociological, psychological and legal aspects of gender. This will be achieved through discussion of materials derived from research, facts, everyday life, literature, and film.
CO3 Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to counter it. Students will acquire insight into the gendered division of labour and its relation to politics and economics.
CO4 Men and women students and professionals will be better equipped to work and live together as equals.
CO5 Students will develop a sense of appreciation of women in all walks of life. Through providing accounts of studies and movements as well as the new laws that provide protection and relief to women.
Year 3 – SEMESTER 1
EC501PC Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines
CO1 Students will be able to distinguish between the static and time-varying fields, establish the corresponding sets of Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Conditions, and use them for solving engineering problems.
CO1 Students will be able to Analyze the Wave Equations for good conductors and good dielectrics, and evaluate the UPW Characteristics for several practical media of interest.
CO3 Students will be able to Establish the proof and estimate the polarization features, reflection and transmission coefficients for UPW propagation, distinguish between Brewster and Critical Angles, and acquire knowledge of their applications.
CO4 Students will be able to Determine the Transmission Line parameters for different lines, characterize the distortions and estimate the characteristics for different lines.
CO5 Students will be able to Analyze theRF Line features and configure them as SC, OC Lines, QWTs and HWTs, and design the same for effective impedance transformation. Study the Smith Chart profile and stub matching features, and gainability to practically use the same for solving practical problems.
EC502PC Linear and Digital IC Applications
CO1 Students will be able undergo thorough understanding of operational amplifiers within integrated circuits.
CO1 Students will be able undergo understanding of the different families of digital integrated circuits and their characteristics.
CO3 Students Will be able to design circuits using operational amplifiers for various applications.
CO4 Students Will be able to demonstrate importance, types voltage regulators and their applications in pulse width modulation, push pull bridges.
CO5 Students Will be able to Explain the fundamental frequency of mono stable and astable Multivibrators using IC555 timer
EC503PC Digital Communications
CO1 Understand basic components of Digital Communication Systems.
CO1 Design optimum receiver for Digital Modulation techniques.
CO3 Analyze the error performance of Digital Modulation Techniques.
CO4 Understand the redundancy present in Digital Communication by using various source coding techniques.
CO5 Know about different error detecting and error correction codes like block codes, cyclic codes and convolution codes.
SM504MS Fundamentals of Management
CO1 The students understand the significance of Management in their Profession.
CO1 The students understand The various Management Functions like Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Motivation and Control aspects are learnt in this course.
CO3 The students understand The various Management Functions like Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Motivation and Control aspects are learnt in this course
CO4 The students can explore the Management Practices in their domain area.
CO5 The students understand leadership styles to anticipate the consequences of each leadership style.
CS511OE Operating Systems (Open Elective – I)
CO1 The students Apply optimization techniques for the improvement of system performance.
CO1 The students able to design and solve synchronization problems.
CO3 The students Learn about minimization of turnaround time, waiting time and response time and also maximization of throughput by keeping CPU as busy as possible.
CO4 The students Ability to change access controls to protect files.
CO5 The students Apply optimization techniques forth improvement of system performance.
MC500HS Professional Ethics
CO1 The students will understand the importance of Values and Ethics in their personal lives and professional careers
CO1 The students will learn the rights and responsibilities as an employee, team member and a global citizen
CO3 The students will learn Professional Ethical values and contemporary issues
CO4 The students will learn Excelling in competitive and challenging environment to contribute to industrial growth
CO5 Acquiring knowledge of various roles of Engineer in applying ethical principles at various professional Levels
EC505PC Linear IC Applications Lab
CO1 The students able to Design and analyze the various linear application of op-amp.
CO1 The students able to Design and analyze the various non-linear application of op-amp
CO3 The students able to Design and analyze filter circuits using op-amp
CO4 The students able to Design and analyze oscillators and multi vibrator circuits using op-amp
CO5 Students able to use voltage regulator 7805, 7809, 7912.
EC506PC Digital IC Applications Lab
CO1 Have extended knowledge of digital circuits and systems
CO1 Understand different IC numbers for different circuits
CO3 Able to design circuits using digital ICs
CO4 Have thorough understanding of combinational and sequential circuits for various applications
CO5 Design a 4-digit Hex counter using synchronous 1 digit Hex counter.
EC507PC Digital Communications Lab
CO1 The students Able to understand basic theories of Digital communication system in practical.
CO1 The students Able to design and implement different modulation and demodulation techniques.
CO3 The students Able to analyze digital modulation techniques by using MATLAB tools.
CO4 The students Able to identify and describe different techniques in modern digital communications, in particular in source coding using MAT Lab tools.
CO5 Apply generation and detection of I BPSK and QPSK
Year 3 – SEMESTER 2
EC612PE Digital Image Processing
CO1 Explore the fundamental relations between pixels and utility of 2-D transforms in image processer.
CO1 Understand the enhancement, segmentation and restoration processes on an image.
CO3 Implement the various Morphological operations on an image
CO4 Understand the need of compression and evaluation of basic compression algorithms.
CO5 Describe object detection and recognition techniques.
CS622OE Software Testing Methodologies (Open Elective–II)
CO1 The students able to Understand the basic concepts of testing, path testing and sensitization
CO1 The students able to An Ability to learn about the transaction flow testing.
CO3 The students able to Understand the concepts of domain based testing and logic based testing.
CO4 The students able to describe about the path product and data flow anomaly detection
CO5 The students able to Understand the concepts of transitions testing.
EC601PC Antennas and Wave Propagation
CO1 The students able to Explain the mechanism of radiation, distinguish between different antenna characteristic parameters, establish their mathematical relations, estimate them for different practical cases.
CO1 The students able to Distinguish between short dipoles, half-wave dipoles, quarter-wave monopoles and small loops, configure their current distributions, derive their far fields and radiation characteristics and sketch their patterns.
CO3 The students able to Characterize the antennas based on frequency, configure the geometry and establish the radiation patterns of folded dipole, Yagi-Uda Antenna, Helical Antennas, Horn Antennas, and to acquire the knowledge of their analysis, design and development.
CO4 The students able to Analyze a micro strip rectangular patch antenna and a para bolic reflector antenna, identify the requirements and relevant feed structure, carry out the design and establish their patterns.
CO5 The students able to Specify the requirements for microwave measurements and arrange a setup to carry out the antenna far zone pattern and gain measurements in the laboratory.
EC602PC Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
CO1 The students able to understands the internal architecture and organization of 8086, 8051
CO1 The students able to understands the internal architecture and organization of ARM processors/controllers.
CO3 The students able to understands the interfacing techniques to 8086 and 8051
CO4 The students able to to develop assembly language programming to design microprocessor/ micro controller based-system
CO5 The students able to interface various devices to Processors & Controllers
EC603PC Digital Signal Processing
CO1 The students able to Perform time, frequency, and Z-transform analysis on signals and systems. Understand the inter-relationship between DFT and various transforms
CO1 The students able to understand the significance of various filter structures and effects of round of errors.
CO3 The students able to design a digital filter for a given specification.
CO4 The students able to understand the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT processing.
CO5 The students able to understand the trade offs between normal and multirate DSP techniques and finite length word effects.
EC604PC Digital Signal Processing Lab
CO1 The students able to Generate & Perform different operations on discrete time signals and systems.
CO1 The students able to Analyze and implement digital systems using the Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier
CO3 The students able to Transform (FFT) techniques using MATLAB and signal processing toolboxes.
CO4 The students able to Use Z transforms to analyze a digital system finding the region of convergence using MATLAB
CO5 Implementation of FFT of given sequence, determination power spectrum of a given signal.
EC605PC Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab
CO1 The students able to Demonstrate ability to handle arithmetic operations using assembly language programming in TASM and training boards
CO1 The students able to Demonstrate ability to handle logical operations using assembly language programming in TASM
CO3 The students able to Demonstrate ability to handle string instructions using assembly language programming in TASM
CO4 The students able to Demonstrate ability to handle sorting operations and using assembly language programming in TASM
CO5 Understand the interfacing techniques of 8086 and 8051 and develop assembly language program.
EN606HS Advanced English Communication Skills Lab
CO1 Acquire vocabulary and use it contextually
CO1 • Listen and speak effectively
CO3 • Develop proficiency in academic reading and writing
CO4 • Increase possibilities of job prospects
CO5 • Communicate confidently in formal and informal contexts
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1
EC701PC Microwave Engineering
CO1 To analyze completely the rectangular wave guides, their mode characteristics, and design wave guides for solving practical microwave transmission line problems.
CO1 To distinguish between the different types of waveguide and ferrite components, explain their functioning and select proper components for engineering applications.
CO3 To distinguish between the methods of power generation at microwave frequencies, derive the performance characteristics of 2-Cavity and Reflex Klystrons, Magnetrons, TWTs and estimate their efficiency levels, and solve related numerical problems
CO4 To realize the need for solid state microwave sources, understand the concepts of TEDs, RWH Theory and explain the salient features of Gunn Diodes and ATT Devices.
CO5 To setup a microwave bench, establish the measurement procedure and conduct the experiments in microwave lab for measurement of various microwave parameters.
EC721PE Computer Networks (Professional Elective II)
CO1 Students should understand and explore the basics of Computer Networks and Various Protocols.
CO1 Students will be in a position to understand the World Wide Web concepts.
CO3 Students will be in a position to administrate a network and flow of information
CO4 he/she can understand easily the concepts of network security, Mobile and ADHOC networks
CO5 he/she can understand easily the concepts of Mobile and ad hoc networks
EC743PE Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation (Professional Elective – III)
CO1 Identify the various electronic instruments based on their specifications for carrying out a particular task of measurement.
CO1 To understand the principle of operation, working of different electronic instruments viz. signal generators, signal analyzers, recorders and measuring equipment.
CO3 Understand the use of various measuring techniques for measurement of different physical parameters
CO4 Measure various physical parameters by appropriately selecting the transducers.
CO5 Use various types of signal generators, signal analyzers for generating and analyzing various real-time signals.
EC733PE Radar Systems (Professional Elective VI)
CO1 Explain the working principle of a pulse radar and establish the complete radar range equation, identifying the significance and choice of all parameters involved, and solve numerical problems to establish the radar characteristics.
CO1 Account for the need and functioning of CW, FM-CW and MTI radars, identifying the complete block diagrams and establishing their characteristics and Illustrate the DLC characteristics, account for the range gated Doppler filter bank, and estimate the MTI radar performance characteristics and limitations.
CO3 Distinguish between Sequential Lobing, Conical Scan, Mono pulse type of Tracking Radars, specify their requirements and compare their characteristic features.
CO4 Derive the matched filter response characteristics for radar applications and account for correlation receivers; to distinguish between different radar displays and duplexers.
CO5 Account for the electronic scanning principle, and implement the same through phased array antennas, knowing their requirements and utilities.
EC702PC VLSI Design
CO1 • Acquire qualitative knowledge about the fabrication process of integrated circuit using MOS transistors.
CO1 Choose an appropriate inverter depending on specifications required for a circuit
CO3 • Draw the layout of any logic circuit which helps to understand and estimate parasitic of any logic circuit Design different types of logic gates using CMOS inverter and analyze their transfer characteristics
CO4 Provide design concepts required to design building blocks of data path using gates and design simple memories using MOS transistors and can understand design of large memories.
CO5 Design simple logic circuit using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD and understand different types of faults that can occur in a system and learn the concept of testing and adding extra hardware to improve testability of system
CO1 • Simulate various digital circuits
CO1 Simulate and synthesize various COMOS circuits
CO3 Understand the layout design rules for both static CMOS and dynamic clocked CMOS circuits
CO4 Develop an ability of designing analog and digital CMOS circuits
CO5 Design simple logic circuits using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD
EC704PC Microwave Engineering Lab
CO1 • Able to handle microwave equipment
CO1 Able to understand microwave measurements.
CO3 Able to understand Wave guide and antenna measurements
CO4 Demonstrate the characteristics of various optical sources.
CO5 Measure the data rate, numerical aperture and loses in optical link.
EC705PC Industry Oriented Mini Project
CO1 Students will be able to practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development.
CO1 Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and systematic approach.
CO3 Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for engineering projects.
CO4 Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects.
CO5 Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings
EC706PC Seminar
CO1 • Establish motivation for any topic of interest and develop a thought process for technical presentation.
CO1 Organize a detailed literature survey and build a document with respect to technical publications.
CO3 Analysis and comprehension of proof-of-concept and related data
CO4 Effective presentation and improve soft skills.
CO5 Make use of new and recent technology (e.g. Latex) for creating technical reports
Year 4 – SEMESTER 2
EC853PE Optical Communications (Professional Elective V)
CO1 Understand the significance of optical fiber communications
CO1 Understand and analyze the constructional parameters of optical fibers.
CO3 Be able to design an optical system.
CO4 Estimate the losses due to attenuation, absorption, scattering and bending.
CO5 Compare various optical detectors and choose suitable one for different applications.
EC863PE Global Positioning System
CO1 understanding of satellite positioning and navigation, especially American GPS. Knowledge:
CO1 the candidate shall have knowledge about how satellites positions objects on and above surface of the Earth, as well as in space, knowledge of methods and techniques for determination of Earths size and shape and its deformation and change in time using positioning satellites
CO3 Knowledge of global positioning satellites applications in for example Construction and building industry, Transport systems, Navigation, and Oceanography. Skills:
CO4 , the candidate shall be able to perform coordinate computations using scientific software including correction terms, be able to calculate other parameters from GPS time series like Earths deformation and change parameters,
CO5 After completing the course including analysis and interpretation of the results, be able to use the calculated coordinates within other disciplines like Transport, Building industry, and Oceanography
MT802OE Total Quality Management
CO1 Explain quality standards and need for standardization
CO1 Implement quality measurement systems in various applications
CO3 Prepare and use control charts for SQC
CO4 Implement six sigma approach for various industrial applications
CO5 Explain standards for total quality management
EC801PC Major Project
CO1 Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.
CO1 Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
CO3 Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
CO4 Conduct an engineering project
CO5 Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms