The staff club is formed to facilitate improvement of the cultural, friendly and academic activities among the teaching and non-teaching staff of our institution.
It keeps a link among staffs from the different departments of college. Staff club is the co-ordinating body of the activities for common interest among the staff. Staff Club organizes functions along with the help of our students during festivals. This in turn improves the friendly enthusiastic working atmosphere in the campus to a large extent and provides a healthy communication among the staff themselves.
All the staff joining our college would become the member of staff club automatically. If staffs face any issues during working hours, they are welcomed to contact our staff club incharge. All the concerns and issues raised by our staff would be resolved by our staff club incharge. Besides, the staff club also promotes the interaction among staffs in different positions and roles, so that they can develop personal and professional bond during working hours.
Name of the Incharge : Prof. S. Vijaya Bhargavi