DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES (R13) DEPARTMENT: CSE/IT/ECE/EEE (R13) B.Tech – First Year - 1st and 2nd Semesters - Course Outcomes (COs) |
Subject code |
Course Name |
COs |
Outcomes |
A10004 |
Engg. Physics |
CO1 |
Students are be able to learn the fundamental concepts on behaviour of crystalline solids |
CO2 |
Students are able to design , Characterization and study of properties of materials help the student to prepare new materials for various Engineering Applications |
CO3 |
Students gained knowledge of Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics ,Statiscal Mechanical enable the student to apply various system like communications, solar cell , photo cells and so on |
CO4 |
Students are exposed to non destructive testing methods |
CO5 |
Students developed problem solving skills and analytical skills |
A10002 |
Mathematics-I |
CO1 |
The student is able to write the matrix representation of a set of linear equations and to analyze solutions of a system of equations. |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand the methods of differential calculus to optimize single and multi variable functions. |
CO3 |
Students are able to evaluate the multiple integrals and can apply the concepts to find the Areas, Volumes, Moment of Inertia etc. of regions on a plane or in space |
CO4 |
Students are able to identify and to solve the differential equations and to apply the theory of differential equations to the real world problems |
CO5 |
Students are able to solve certain differential equations using Laplace Transform. |
A10003 |
Mathematical Methods |
CO1 |
The student is able to find the numerical solution of a given differential equation |
CO2 |
Students are able to describe the system by an ODE and are able to find the solution as a first approximation. |
CO3 |
Students are able to find the expansion of a given function by Fourier series and Fourier Transform of the function. |
CO4 |
Students are able to find a corresponding Partial Differential Equation for an unknown function with many independent variables and to find their solution. |
CO5 |
Students are able to evaluate multiple integrals (line, surface, volume integrals) and convert line integrals to area integrals and surface integrals to volume integrals. |
English |
CO1 |
Students developed a usage of English language in spoken and written forms. Acquiring basic proficiency in English including reading and listening comprehension, writing and speaking skills. |
CO2 |
Students got enrichment of comprehension and fluency and improve their pronunciation. |
CO3 |
Students gained confidence in using language in verbal situations and improve public speaking. |
CO4 |
Students are able to develop the ability in communicating the ideas in a creative and understandable manner. |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand the complex and complicated terminology that used in other technical subjects |
ELCS Lab |
CO1 |
Students learned phonetics and practice ice-breaking activity, jam session, exercises of grammar. |
CO2 |
Students understood structure of syllables and practice role-play, self introduction and introducing others, greetings, apologies, requests, telephone etiquette. |
CO3 |
Students are able to mark on stress and improved various activities (description-narrations-giving directions and guidelines sequence of tenses.) |
CO4 |
Students improved fluency in spoken English and practice active and passive voice, common errors in English, idioms and phrases. |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand the Neutralization of mother tongue influence and conversation practice for interviews, group discussion and public speaking. |
Engineering Physics Lab |
CO1 |
Student is able to determine the energy gap of a semiconductor diode and time constant of RC circuit. |
CO2 |
Students are able to describe the electrical characteristic of PN junction diode, photo diode, LED and Solar cell. |
CO3 |
Students studied about the characteristics of LED, Melde’s experiment-Transverse and longitudinal modes |
CO4 |
Students gained the knowledge of spectrometer in detail |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand Radius of curvature of Plano convex lens using Newton’s Ring |
Chemistry |
CO1 |
Students are able to get knowledge of different types of electrochemical cells and batteries, understanding various corrosion processes and their protection methods |
CO2 |
Students are able to study the definition, classification of polymers, fibers, lubricants, nano-materials and composition of cement |
CO3 |
Students are able to understand the process of portable and boiler feed water treatment, reverse osmosis |
CO4 |
Students are able to gain basic knowledge of fuels and combustion |
CO5 |
Students are able to know about phase rule, surface chemistry and colloids |
Computer Programming |
CO1 |
Students are able to understand the various steps of Program development and basic concepts in C Programming Language |
CO2 |
Students got ability to write modular and readable C Programs and concepts of Arrays. |
CO3 |
Students got ability to understand concept of pointers and strings with string manipulation functions. |
CO4 |
Students learned how to write programs (using structured programming approach) in C to solve problems. |
CO5 |
Students got ability to understand basic data structures such as lists, stacks, queues with sorting and searching methods. |
Computer programming Lab
CO1 |
Students are able to solve programs on Arithmetic operations. |
CO2 |
Students got ability to design and test programs to solve mathematical and scientific problems. |
CO3 |
Students got ability to write structured programs using control structures and functions. |
CO4 |
Students got ability to write programs using control structures and functions for searching and sorting. |
CO5 |
Students got ability to write programs for file handling operations. |
A10082 |
IT Workshop |
CO1 |
Students are able to understand the computer peripherals and its functions and software installation. |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand hardware and software trouble shooting. |
CO3 |
Students are able to understand Internet & World Wide Web including boot camp search engine, Cyber Hygiene |
CO4 |
Student is able to perform power point utilities, tools and excel, MS Office tools |
CO5 |
Students got knowledge in their presentations, interactive topics |
CO1 |
Student is able to understand the significance of engg.drawing,drawing in,struments,conventions ,conic sections and scales. |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand orthographic projections of points, lines and planes. |
CO3 |
Student is able to draw projections of solids and section of solids and will have command on auxiliary views and sectional views. |
CO4 |
Students are able to understand development and interpenetration of regular solids |
CO5 |
Student is able to understand conversion of isometric to orthographic views and vice versa and perspective views. |
A10082 |
Engineering Workshop |
CO1 |
Students are able to study and practice on M/C tools and their operations. |
CO2 |
Students are able to practice on Mfg of components using W/S trades including carpentry, fitting, foundry, house wiring, welding, plumbing. |
CO3 |
Students are able to identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of engg. process including drills, material removing, measuring and chiseling. |
CO4 |
Student is able to apply basic electrical engg. Knowledge for house wiring. |
CO5 |
Students are able to produce welding and joining processes |
Engineering Chemistry |
CO1 |
Students gained understanding of Determination of parameters and physical properties like hardness, Viscosity, Adsorption and Surface Tension. |
CO2 |
Students are able to get knowledge of common laboratory techniques including Colorimetry, Conductometry and Potentiometry. |
CO3 |
Students are able to design the synthesis of organic molecule and calculate yield percentage. |
CO4 |
Students are able to estimate minerals in the given sample |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand concept of error and its analysis and also develop experimental skills to design new experiments in Engineering. |
Subject Code |
Subject Name |
COs |
AP202 BS |
Physics-I |
CO1 |
The students able to learn the fundamental concepts on Quantum behavior of matter in its micro state |
CO2 |
Students gained the knowledge of fundamentals of Semiconductor |
CO3 |
Student are able to get knowledge of Optoelectronics to apply various system like communications, solar cell, photo cells and so on |
CO4 |
Students are able to design, characterization and study of properties of Laser and Fibre optics |
CO5 |
Students are exposed to phenomenon of electromagnetism and also to have exposure on magnetic material and dielectric materials |
MA101 BS |
Mathematics – I |
CO1 |
Students are able to identify whether the DE is exact or not |
CO2 |
Students are able to solve higher order DEs and apply them in real world problems |
CO3 |
Students are able to find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors which come across under linear transformations. |
CO4 |
Students are able to find the extreme values of functions of two variables with /without constraints. |
CO5 |
Students learned to form partial differential equation and solve non linear equations |
MA202 BS |
Mathematics – II |
CO1 |
Students are able to use Laplace transform techniques ofr solving DE’s |
CO2 |
Students are able to evaluate Integrals using Beta and Gamma functions. |
CO3 |
Students are able to evaluate the multiple integrals and can apply these concepts to find areas and volumes, moment of inertia etc of regions on plane or in space. |
CO4 |
Students are able to identify vectors and scalars point functions and their physical and geometrical interpretation. |
CO5 |
Students are able to evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals and converting them one form to another. |
MA203 BS |
Mathematics – III |
CO1 |
The student are able to differentiate among random variables involved in the probability models useful in all branches of engineering. |
CO2 |
The student are able to calaulate mean,proportions and variances of sampling distributions and to make important decisions for few samples which are taken from a large data. |
CO3 |
Students are able to solve the test of ANOVA for classified data. |
CO4 |
Students are able to find the root of given equation and solution of a system of equation and fit a curve for agiven data. |
CO5 |
Students are able to find the numerical solution for a given first order initial value problem. |
EN105 HS |
Professional Communication in English |
CO1 |
Students are able to learn LSRW SKILLS through the prescribed text and develop their ability to communicate effectively. |
CO2 |
Students are able to construct compound sentences using common conjunctions |
CO3 |
Students are able to comprehend the given texts and demonstrate life skills like, teamwork, problem solving and learning skills |
CO4 |
Students are able to select appropriate words, phrases and grammatical units and apply them in spoken and written forms. |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand the meaning of foreign language. Reported speech .framing of sentences to produce a well organized essay. |
EN107 HS |
English Language and Communication Skills LAB |
CO1 |
Students were involved in listening skills and practice speech sounds- vowels and consonants clusters and they practice Ice breaking activity and jam session. |
CO2 |
Students improved structure of syllables practice word stress, weak forms and strong forms. |
CO3 |
Students are able to learn good conversation, strategies for effective communication and practice roleplay and various situations. |
CO4 |
Students understood the listen general details. listening comprehension tests and practice making a short speech, presentation. |
CO5 |
Students are able to work out all testing exercises and improved group discussion, interview skills. |
EE103 ES |
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (BEEE) |
CO1 |
Students are able to analyze and solve the electrical circuits of single phase and three phase Ac circuits of series and parallel types of connections. |
CO2 |
Students are able to analyze and solve problems of electrical circuits using networks laws and theorems .To analyze the Resonance and its types. |
CO3 |
Students are able to identify and characterize diodes, rectifier, filters and its types. |
CO4 |
Students are able to identify, characterize, understand and configurations of BJT transistors and its comparison also. |
CO5 |
Students are able to identify and characterize of FET transistor, comparison of BJT and FET and know the knowledge of special purpose devices. |
CH106 BS |
Engineering Chemistry Lab |
CO1 |
Students gained understanding of Common laboratory techniques including Dichrometry, Permagnometry, Iodometry, Conductometry, Potentiometry and Colorimetry |
CO2 |
Students are able to determine physical properties like viscosity, hardness, chloride content, purity and salt concentration |
CO3 |
Students are able to determine physical properties like hardness, chloride content, purity and salt concentration |
CO4 |
Students are able to design synthesis of organic molecules. |
CO5 |
Students are able to evaluate and apply conductometry/ potentiometry and conductometric and potentiometric titrations. |
CH102 BS |
Engineering Chemistry |
CO1 |
Students are able to understand the process of portable and boiler feed water treatment, reverse osmosis |
CO2 |
Students are able to know the different types of electrochemical cells and batteries, |
CO3 |
Students gained knowledge of definition, classification of polymers, plastics, fibers, elastomers, conducting polymers and biodegradable polymers |
CO4 |
Students are able to gain knowledge of fuels and combustion |
CO5 |
Students are able to know about the engineering materials like cement, refractory’s, lubricants and compositions |
AP205 BS |
Applied Physics Lab |
CO1 |
Students are able to recognize the importance of optical phenomenon like interference and diffraction, V-I characteristics of a solar cell. |
CO2 |
Students acquired the practical application knowledge of optical fiber, Semiconductor, dielectric and magnetic materials, crystal structure and laser by the study of their relative parameters. |
CO3 |
Students are able to recognize Resonance and Q-factor of LCR circuit, charging. |
CO4 |
Students are able to know about the charging, discharging and time constant of an R-C circuit. |
CO5 |
Students studied about the characteristics of LED, Melde’s experiment-Transverse and longitudinal modes. |
PH201 BS |
– II |
CO1 |
Students are able to realize the importance of behaviour of particle quantum mechanically |
CO2 |
Students learned concentration estimation of charge carriers in semiconductors |
CO3 |
Students learned various magnetic dielectric properties and apply them in engineering applications |
CO4 |
Students are able to know the basic principles and applications of super conductors |
CO5 |
Students are able to know the various terms of nano science |
CS204 ES |
Computer Programming in C |
CO1 |
Students are able to demonstrate the basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. |
CO2 |
Students are able to write algorithms for solving problems. |
CO3 |
Students are able to draw flowcharts for solving problems. |
CO4 |
Students are able to code a given logic in C programming language. |
CO5 |
Students gained knowledge in using C language for solving problems. |
CS208 ES |
Computer Programming in C Lab |
CO1 |
Students learned programs in C using structured programming approach to solve the problems. |
CO2 |
Students are able to design and test programs to solve mathematical and scientific problems. |
CO3 |
Students are acquired knowledge to write structured programs using control structures and functions. |
CO4 |
Students are able to write programs using control structures and functions for searching and sorting.. |
CO5 |
Students are able to write programs using arrays and structures for searching and sorting. |
AP205 BS |
Applied Physics Lab |
CO1 |
Students are able to recognize the importance of optical phenomenon like interference and diffraction, V-I characteristics of a solar cell. |
CO2 |
Students acquired the practical application knowledge of optical fiber, Semiconductor, dielectric and magnetic materials, crystal structure and laser by the study of their relative parameters. |
CO3 |
Students are able to recognize Resonance and Q-factor of LCR circuit, charging. |
CO4 |
Students are able to know about the charging, discharging and time constant of an R-C circuit. |
CO5 |
Students studied about the characteristics of LED, Melde’s experiment-Transverse and longitudinal modes. |
ME105 ES |
Engineering Mechanics |
CO1 |
Students are able to understand resolving forces and free body diagrams. |
CO2 |
Student Studied about friction, types and applications. |
CO3 |
Students gained knowledge of centroid and center of gravity and application in problems. |
CO4 |
Students are able to study of mass moment of inertia and its application. |
CO5 |
Students studied about mechanical vibrations and principle of conservation of energy. |
ME105 ES |
Engineering Workshop |
CO1 |
Enabled students to study and practice on Machine tools and their operations. |
CO2 |
Made students to practice on Manufacturing of components using workshop trades including carpentry, fitting, foundry, house wiring, welding, plumbing. |
CO3 |
Enabled students to identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of Engineering, process including drills, material removing, measuring and chiseling. |
CO4 |
Student is able to apply basic electrical Engineering, Knowledge for house wiring. |
CO5 |
Students are able to produce welding and joining processes |
ME204 ES |
Engineering Graphics |
CO1 |
Student is able to understand the significance of Engg. Drawing, conic sections and scales. |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand orthographic projections of points, lines and planes. |
CO3 |
Student is able to draw projections of solids and section of solids and will have command on auxiliary views and sectional views. |
CO4 |
Students are able to understand development and interpenetration of regular solids |
CO5 |
Student is able to understand conversion of isometric to orthographic views and vice versa. |
DEPARTMENT: SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES (R18) Course Outcomes (COs): B .Tech I YEAR - I and II Semesters Common to CSE/ECE/EEE/IT/AI&DS |
Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 |
Subject code |
Course Name |
COs |
Outcomes |
AP202BS |
Applied Physics |
CO1 |
The student are able to learn the fundamental concepts on Quantum behavior of matter in its micro state |
CO2 |
Students gain the knowledge of fundamentals of Semiconductor |
CO3 |
Students learned Optoelectronics enable the student to apply various system like communications, solar cell , photo cells and so on |
CO4 |
Students are able to Design , characterization and study of properties of Laser and Fiber optics |
CO5 |
Students are to be exposed to phenomena of electromagnetism and also to have exposure on magnetic material and dielectric materials |
MA101 BS |
Mathematics – I |
CO1 |
Students could identify whether the DE is exact or not |
CO2 |
Students are able to Solve Higher differential equation and apply the concept of differential equation to real world problems. |
CO3 |
Students are able to Evaluate the multiple integrals and apply the concept to find areas ,volumes, centre of mass and gravity for cubes,spheres and rectangular parallelepiped, |
CO4 |
Students are able to identify Vectors and Scalars To make students identities and to apply potentials function to both. |
CO5 |
Students learned to evaluate a line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from to another. |
MA202BS |
Mathematics – II |
CO1 |
Students are trained to the matrix representation of a set of linear equations and to analyze the solution of the system of equations |
CO2 |
Students are able to the Eigen values and Eigen vectors and reduce the quadratic form to canonical form using orthogonal transformations. |
CO3 |
Students are able to analyze the nature of sequence and series. |
CO4 |
Students are able to solve the applications on the mean value theorems and evaluate the improper integrals using Beta and Gamma functions. |
CO5 |
Students are able to find the extreme values of functions of two variables with/ without constraints. |
EN105HS |
English |
CO1 |
Students are able to understand explicit and implicit meaning of the text with reference to the concept of grammar and vocabulary To analyze various techniques of reading and writing. |
CO2 |
Student to understand the present communication scenario, be it written or spoken with the help of vocabulary and grammar. |
CO3 |
Student to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words and identify the various structures of tenses To produce academic vocabulary, appropriately, orally and in writing, summarize or paraphrase information in a text |
CO4 |
Instilled confidence and made the students competent enough to express themselves fluently. |
CO5 |
Students improved their ability to listen and comprehend a given text. |
EN107HS |
English Language Communication Skills Lab |
CO1 |
Students are exposed a variety of learner friendly modes of language learning. To focus on phonetic knowledge and its use in everyday situation and contexts. |
CO2 |
Students are enabled to learn accurate pronunciation through stress on word accent intonation and rhythm. |
CO3 |
Students are ensure to improve public speaking and equip them to raised their to employability skills. |
CO4 |
Instilled confidence and made the students competent enough to express themselves fluently. |
CO5 |
Students improved their ability to listen and comprehend a given text. |
EE103ES |
Basic Electrical Engineering |
CO1 |
Student is able to analyze and solve the electrical circuits using network laws and theorems |
CO2 |
Student is able to analyze the basic knowledge about the Electric and Magnetic circuits, electro magnetism AC fundamentals. To analyze series & parallel AC circuits of single and three phase circuits. |
CO3 |
Student is able to understand & demonstrate fundamentals of electromagnetism for working of single phase transformer &.three phase transformer. |
CO4 |
Student is able to study and understand the working principles of Electrical machines. |
CO5 |
Student is able to study and understand the components of Low voltage Electrical installations. |
CH102BS |
Engineering Chemistry |
CO1 |
Students learned the MO diagrams of homo nuclear diatomic molecules; enable to understand magnetic property and stability of CFT, method of doping on semiconductors to increase their electrical conductivity. |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand the process of portable and boiler feed water treatment, reverse osmosis |
CO3 |
Students studied different types of electrochemical cells and batteries, understanding various corrosion processes and their protection methods |
CO4 |
Students could distinguish between different kinds of isomers, Studies of reaction mechanisms in addition, elimination, substitution of organic compounds and synthesis |
CO5 |
Students are able to interpret Principles, applications, selection rules of different Spectroscopy techniques and basic concepts of NMR and MRI |
CH106BS |
Engineering Chemistry Lab |
CO1 |
Students gained skills on determination of parameters like hardness and chloride content in water. |
CO2 |
Students learned to estimate the rate of constant of a reaction from concentration time relationships. |
CO3 |
Students are able to determine physical properties like absorption, viscosity, surface tension and partition coefficient. |
CO4 |
Students are able to calculate RF values of some organic molecules by TLC techniques. |
CO5 |
Students are able to evaluate and apply conductometry/ potentometry and conductometric and potentiometric titrations |
AP205BS |
Applied Physics Lab |
CO1 |
Student is able to apply Optical phenomena to characterize optical sources and components. |
CO2 |
Student is able to determine the energy gap of a semiconductor diode and time constant of RC circuit. |
CO3 |
Student is able to Describe the electrical characteristic of PN junction diode, photo diode, LED and Solar cell. |
CO4 |
Students are able to demonstrate the resonance in mechanical and electric waves. |
CO5 |
Students are able to Identify the magnetic induction along the axis of current carrying coil. |
EE108ES |
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab |
CO1 |
Students will able to handle basic electrical equipment and verification of laws. |
CO2 |
Students able to understand the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitation. |
CO3 |
Student is able to understand the measurement, calculations and its characteristic of DC Machine and induction motor |
CO4 |
Student is able to understand the measurement, calculations and its characteristic of synchronous motor |
CO5 |
Students is able to understand the basic characteristic of transformers and its calculations |
CS203ES |
Programming for problem solving |
CO1 |
Students are able to demonstrate the basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. |
CO2 |
Students are able to write algorithms for solving problems. |
CO3 |
Students are able to draw flowcharts for solving problems. |
CO4 |
Students are able to code a given logic in C programming language. |
CO5 |
Students gained knowledge in using C language for solving problems. |
CS206ES |
Programming for problem solving Lab |
CO1 |
Students are able to learn program in C using structured programming approach to solve the problem. |
CO2 |
Students are able to design and test programs to solve mathematical and scientific problems. |
CO3 |
Students are able to write structured program using control structures and functions. |
CO4 |
Students are able to program using control structures and function for searching and sorting. |
CO5 |
Students are able to develop a program for file handling operations |
MC209ES |
Environmental Science |
CO1 |
Student is able to understand the importance of ecological balance |
CO2 |
Student is able to understand natural resources and their importance. |
CO3 |
Student is able to study about biodiversity, threats of biodiversity is done. |
CO4 |
Student is able to understand pollution and types, controlling techniques |
CO5 |
Student is able to understand environmental protection act, legal aspects and EIA |
ME105 ES |
Engineering Workshop |
CO1 |
Enabled students to study and practice on machine tools and their operations. |
CO2 |
Made students to practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including carpentry, fitting, foundry. |
CO3 |
Enabled students to identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of engineering process including drills, material removing, measuring and chiseling. |
CO4 |
Students are able to apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring. |
CO5 |
Student are able to produce welding and joining processes. |
ME204ES |
Engineering Graphics |
CO1 |
Students understood the significance of engineering drawing, conic sections and scales |
CO2 |
Students are able to understand orthographic projections of points, lines and planes. |
CO3 |
Students are able to draw projections of solids and section of solids and will have command on auxiliary views and sectional views. |
CO4 |
Students are able to understand development and interpenetration of regular solids |
CO5 |
Students are able to understand conversion of isometric to orthographic views and vice versa. |