To inculcate academic excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering Education and Research and turn out students into competent professionals to serve society.
1. To provide quality education by optimal utilization of resources.
2. To provide a framework for a professional career, higher education and research activities.
3. To instil the spirit of positive attitude, ethical practices, service to society and life-long learning.
Why Should I Study Electronics and Communication Engineering?
The world has become smaller thanks to electronics and communication. Just a few decades ago, it would have seemed impossible for one to communicate with someone halfway across the world in real-time, that too at an affordable price, but here we are. Today, we can, not only talk but also video chat free of cost with someone halfway across the world. We have electronics and communication engineers to be thanked for this. Electronics and communication engineering (ECE) is more of a blanket term. It actually encompasses many specializations under it like consumer electronics, analog electronics, digital electronics and more. Electronic communication engineers can be defined as engineers who research, develop and make modern-day electronic devices and communication systems. Therefore, you can judge how important this profession is.
The most important benefit that the Electronics and Communication branch provides you is the freedom to drift between hardware field and software field. Furthermore, this is also the reason that a lot of industries choose to prefer Electronics and Communications engineers over other engineers. During the four years of Electronics and Communication Engineering, students gain the knowledge of both the hardware and the software aspects.
While they learn about electronic circuits, devices, and communication systems, they also learn about embedded systems, programming languages, and assembly languages. An Electronics and Communication Engineer, who has knowledge about the hardware field, and also has a grip over some computer languages, will be more successful during his career than another student who is proficient only in the software field. Hence, Electronics and Communication Engineers can switch from hardware to software field, but it is not the other way around.
A fine blend of highly experienced and young faculty members with 5 doctorates
Use of various active learning methods and aids to enable joyful learning and a better understanding.
Industrial visits, in-plant-trainings and internships during end semester vacations to bridge the gap between industry and academia.
Active participation of Students in Symposiums, workshops and events conducted by other reputed institutions and various industries led technical competitions.
Motivation to write and publish research articles in reputed Journals.
Electronics and Communication Graduates should be able to
PEO 1: To prepare Graduates with sound foundation and exhibit strong, independent learning, analytical & problem solving skills in Electronics and Communication Engineering domain.
PEO 2: To facilitate learning in the core field of Electronics and Communication Engineering to integrate technological software & firmware skills to produce high impact, energy efficient and futuristic solutions.
PEO 3: To prepare Graduates to effectively use modern equipment and programming tools to solve problems that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable.
PEO 4: To enable individuals ,acquire skills for life-long learning in the field of Electronics and Communication, related research & innovation to become successful Entrepreneurs.
PEO 5: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, team spirit, leadership qualities skills in Graduates and to make them aware of their social responsibilities.
Engineering Graduates will be able to
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
After the fruitful completion of B.Tech program in Electronics and Communication, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: The ECE Graduates will be trained with knowledge of complete VLSI design flow from specification to silicon will be able to work in IC Design companies.
PSO2: The ECE Graduates will be well Equipped with microprocessor and micro controller design skills and can work in the area of Embedded Systems Design.
PSO3: The ECE Graduates will be able to apply signal processing and Communications knowledge for design and implementation of projects pertaining to the society
B.Tech - ECE 2nd, 3rd & 4th year Course Outcomes |
Year 2 – SEMESTER 1 |
Subject code |
Course Name |
COs |
Outcomes |
A30007 |
Mathematics3 |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Apply the Frobenius method to obtain a series solution for the given linear 2nd ODE. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, Integration using Cauchy’s integral theorem, |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Find the Taylor’s and Laurent series expansion of complex functions |
CO4 |
Student should be able to The conformal transformations of complex functions can be dealt with ease. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Identify Bessel equation and Legendre equation and solve them under special conditions with the help of series solutions method. |
A30405 |
Probability Theory And Stochastic Processes |
CO1 |
Student should be able to solve Simple probabilities using an appropriate sample space. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to solve Simple probabilities and expectations from probability density functions (pdfs) |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Likelihood ratio tests from pdfs for statistical engineering problems. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Least-square & maximum likelihood estimators for engineering problems. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to know Mean and covariance functions for simple random processes |
A30407 |
Switching Theory And Logic Design |
CO1 |
Student should be able to manipulate numeric information in different forms, e.g., different bases, signed integers, various codes such as ASCII, Gray, and BCD. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Be able to manipulate simple Boolean expressions using the theorems and postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Be able to design and analyze small combinational circuits and to use standard combinational functions/building blocks to build larger more complex circuits. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits complex circuits |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Illustrate reduction of logical expressions using Boolean algebra and k-map. |
A30204 |
Electrical Circuits |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Gets a thorough knowledge on basics of circuit concepts, electrical parameters, single phase AC circuits |
CO2 |
Student should be able to know about magnetic circuits, resonance. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Network theorems with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world problems and applications. |
CO4 |
Student should be Well versed with Network topology |
CO5 |
Compare circuit matrices of linear graphs and describe magnetic circuits |
A30404 |
Electronic Devices And Circuits |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand and Analyze the different types of diodes, operation and its characteristics |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Design and analyze the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Design biasing circuits using diodes and transistors |
CO4 |
Student should be able to analyze and design diode application circuits, amplifier circuits and oscillators employing BJT, FET devices. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to study basic principle of filter circuits and various types. |
A30406 |
Signals and Systems |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Represent any arbitrary signals in terms of complete sets of orthogonal functions and understands the principles of impulse functions, step function and signum function. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Represent any arbitrary signals in terms of complete sets of orthogonal functions and understands the principles of impulse functions, step function and signum function. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to design a system for sampling a signal. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to For a given system, response can be obtained using Laplace transform, properties and ROC of L.T. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Study the continuous and discrete signal relation and relation between F.T., L.T. & Z.T, properties, ROC of Z Transform. |
A30482 |
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab |
CO1 |
Understand the diode and transistor characteristics, Input and output Characteristics of a BJT, |
CO2 |
Verify the rectifier circuits using diodes and implement them using hardware. |
CO3 |
Design various amplifiers like CE, CC, common source amplifiers and implement them using hardware and also observe their frequency responses |
CO4 |
Remember the concepts of unipolar junction transistor and observe its characteristics |
CO5 |
Understand the construction, operation and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET, which can be used in the design of amplifiers. |
A30481 |
Basic Simulation Lab |
CO1 |
Analyze various typesbasic operations on matrices, of signals and sequences such as Addition, Multiplication, Scaling Shifting, Folding, Computation of Energy and Average Power |
CO2 |
Apply convolution and correlation operations on different signals. Auto Correlation and Cross Correlation for Signals and Sequences, |
CO3 |
Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance Properties of a given Continuous/Discrete System. Determine the response of an LTI system to given signals. |
CO4 |
Computation of Unit sample, Unit step and Sinusoidal responses of the given LTI system and verifying its physical realiazability and stability properties. Gibbs Phenomenon Simulation. |
CO5 |
Verify the Sampling theorem. Waveform Synthesis using Laplace Transform. |
Year 2 – SEMESTER 2 |
A40215 |
Principles of Electrical Engineering |
CO1 |
Student should be able to solve First order circuit of a RL circuit problems w.r.t initial conditions |
CO2 |
Student should be able to solve First order circuit of a RC circuit problems w.r.t initial conditions |
CO3 |
Students can able to find the impedance and admittance of given circuit and their condition |
CO4 |
Students can understand the principle and operation of dc motor |
CO5 |
Students can able to know the different types of losses and their role |
A40412 |
Electronic Circuit Analysis |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand the basic concepts of Design the multistage amplifiers and understand the concepts of High Frequency Analysis of transistors Transistors |
CO2 |
Student should be able to analyze the Concepts of negative feedback to improve the stability of amplifiers |
CO3 |
Student should be able to design the positive feedback to generate sustained oscillations |
CO4 |
Student should be able to understand, the Design and realize different classes of Power Amplifiers and tuned amplifiers useable for audio and Radio applications |
CO5 |
Student should be able to analyze and design the various types of Multivibrators and sweep circuits for various applications. |
A40415 |
Pulse and Digital Circuits |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Understand the various clipper circuits using switching components like diodes, transistors and design various clipper circuits with and without reference voltages |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Analyze the monostable, astable multivibrator circuits with applications and evaluate time, frequency parameters. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Understand the concept of frequency division, synchronization and pulse synchronization of various Relaxation circuits. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Implement the synchronization of different sweep circuits with symmetrical signals and sinusoidal signals. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Understand and analyze the tri state logic and interfacing of transistor logic and complementary metal oxide semi conductor logic families. |
A40009 |
Environmental Studies |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Demonstrate a general understanding of the breadth and interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Demonstrate the ability to locate, interpret and apply published research and lessons from successful projects to a focused environmental solution with potential regional stakeholders |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Formulate an action plan for sustainable alternatives that integrate science, humanist, and social perspectives |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Articulate the interdisciplinary context of environmental issues. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Identify and justify key stakeholders in humanities and social sciences that need to be a part of sustainable solutions |
A40411 |
Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Ability to learn the Basic Laws, like coulombs law, gauss law |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Ability to learn laws of biot savarts law ,amperes law |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Analyze the Wave Equations for good conductors and good dielectrics |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Determine the Transmission Line parameters for different lines. Analyze the RF Line features and configure them as SC, OC Lines |
CO5 |
Student should be able to analyze single stub matching ,double stub matching and smith chart |
A40410 |
Digital Design Using Verilog HDL |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Describe Verilog HDL ,Design Digital circuits |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Write behavior model of digital circuits , Write RTL models of digital circuits |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Verify behavior and RTL models , Describe standard Cell Libraries and FPGA |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Synthesize RTL models to standard cell libraries and FPGAs |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Implement RTL models on FPGAs and testing and verification |
A40288 |
Electrical Technology Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Determine the performance of a single phase transformer by conducting Open Circuit (O.C) and Short Circuit (SC) tests and Sumpner’s test |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Understand 3-phase to 2-phase transformation using the Scott connection and determine the different losses of the transformers |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Determine the performance characteristics of DC shunt and DC compound generators by conducting load tests. |
CO4 |
To understand the basic principle of special motors and electrical instruments To know the basic principle of DC generators. |
CO5 |
To understand the basic principle of special motors and electrical instruments To know the basic principle of DC motors. |
A40484 |
Electronic Circuits and Pulse Circuits Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Analyze and Design various amplifiers |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Analyze and Design various oscillators |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Analyze the RC circuit characteristics, Analyze the diode and transistor applications. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Create the different oscillations and timing circuits using multivibrators. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Identify the applications of UJT. |
Year 3 – SEMESTER 3 |
A50217 |
Control Systems Engineering |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Outline how to improve the system performance by selecting a suitable controller and/or compensator for a specific application |
CO2 |
Student should be able to apply various time domain and frequency domain Student should be able to techniques to assess the system performance |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Define various control strategies to different applications |
CO4 |
Student should be able to List system Controllability and Observability using state space representation and applications of state space representation to various Systems. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to State control design techniques and state space analysis of continuous systems |
A50516 |
Computer Organization and Operating Systems |
CO1 |
Student should be able to apply the concepts of computer organization for several engineering applications |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Use the fundamentals of computer organization as a tool in digital systems. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Estimate, formulate, and solve hardware and software computer engineering problems. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Relate IO, memory, Stack organization and parallel processing of a computer |
CO5 |
Student should be able to do Vector Processing |
A50418 |
Antennas And Wave Propagation |
CO1 |
Student should be able Aware of the parameter considerations viz. antenna efficiency, beam efficiency, radiation resistance etc. in the design of an antenna. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to capable to analyze the designed antenna and field evaluation under various conditions and formulate the electric as well as the magnetic fields Equation set for Far field and near field conditions. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Understand the design issues, operation of fundamental antennas like Yagi-Uda, Horn antennas and helical structure and also their operation methodology in practice. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Understand the Array system of different antennas and filed analysis under application of different currents to the individual antenna elements |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Design a lens structure and also the bench setup for antenna parameter measurement of testing for their effectiveness. |
A50422 |
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Describe the fundamental concepts and principles of instrumentation. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Explain the operations of the various instruments required in measurements. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Apply the measurement techniques for different types of tests. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Understand principle of operation, working of different electronic instruments like digital multi meter, vector voltmeter |
CO5 |
Students will understand functioning, specification, and applications of signal analyzing instruments CRO,DSO. |
A50408 |
Analog Communications |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Conceptually understand the baseband signal & system. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Identify various elements, processes, and parameters in telecommunication systems, and describe their functions, effects, and inter relationship |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Design procedure of AM Transmission & Reception, analyze ,measure, and evaluate the performance of a telecommunication system against given criteria. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Understand basic knowledge of FM Transmission & Reception |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Design typical telecommunication systems that consist of basic and essential building blocks. |
A50425 |
Linear and Digital IC Applications |
CO1 |
Student should be able to A thorough understanding of operational amplifiers with linear integrated circuits. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Understanding of the different families of digital integrated circuits and their characteristics. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Also students will be able to design circuits using operational amplifiers for various applications. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Plan Digital Integrated Circuits and analysis |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Detect of different Sequential Logic IC’s and Memories |
A50487 |
Analog Communications Lab |
CO1 |
Able to analyze and design various modulation and demodulation analog systems. |
CO2 |
Understand the characteristics of noise present in analog systems. |
CO3 |
Study of signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) performance, of various Analog Communication systems. |
CO4 |
Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Systems. |
CO5 |
· Understand the concepts of Multiplexing: Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing(FDM). |
A50488 |
IC Applications and HDL Simulation Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Prepare applications of Op-amp |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Design VCO, PLL circuits by using op-amp |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Choose the operation of regulator IC–7805, 7809, 7912 |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Program using any complier. Down load the programs on FPGA/CPLD boards and performance testing may be done using pattern generator/logic analyzer apart from verification by simulation using Cadence/ Mentor Graphics |
CO5 |
HDL code to realize all the logic gates, Design of 2-to-4 decoder ,8-to-3 encoder (without and with Priority),8-to-1 multiplexer and 1x8 demultiplexer. 4 bit binary to gray code converter |
A60010 |
Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand the market dynamics namely, demand and supply, demand forecasting, elasticity of demand and supply, pricing methods and pricing in different market structures |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Gain an insight into how production function is carried out to achieve least cost combination of inputs and cost analysis |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Analyze how capital budgeting decisions are carried out |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Understand the framework for both manual and computerized accounting process |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Know how to analyze and interpret the financial statements through ratio analysis. |
A60018 |
Human Values and Professional Ethics (OE) |
CO1 |
Student should be able to State the professional competence for augmenting universal human order, |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Identify the scope and characteristics of people friendly and eco- friendly production systems, |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Describe and develop appropriate technologies and management Patterns for above production systems |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Discuss individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Express society as mutually enriching institutions and organizations |
A60117 |
Disaster Management(OE) |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Apply Disaster, man-made Hazards and Vulnerabilities |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Classify Disaster management mechanism |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Detect Capacity building concepts and planning of disaster managements |
CO4 |
Student should be able to State the disaster effects |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Illustrate planning for disaster management |
A60420 |
Digital Communications |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand basic components of digital communication systems |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Design optimum receivers for digital modulation techniques. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Analyze the error performance of digital modulation techniques |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Know about different error detecting and error correcting codes like block codes, cyclic codes and convolution codes. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Understand the advantages of spread spectrum techniques and performance of spread spectrum, PN codes in jamming, noise |
A60432 |
VLSI Design |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Acquire qualitative knowledge about the fabrication process of integrated circuit using MOS transistors. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Choose an appropriate inverter depending on specifications required for a circuit |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Draw the layout of any logic circuit which helps to understand and estimate parasitic of any logic circuit |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Design different types of logic gates using CMOS inverter and analyze their transfer characteristics |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Provide design concepts required to design building blocks of data path using gates. |
A60430 |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Consider the basic concepts of microprocessor, internal architecture& organization of 8086 |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Judge the basic difference between microprocessor and microcontroller 8051 architecture and real time control of 8051 |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Design the various interfacing techniques of 8086 and 8051 and & develop assembly language programming |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Justify the internal architecture & organization of ARM processor |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Predict the CORETEX processor architecture advanced pipeline technology |
A60421 |
Digital Signal Processing |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Understand the inter-relationship between DFT and various transforms. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Understand the significance of various filter structures and effects of round off errors. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Design a digital filter for a given specification. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Understand the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT processing. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Understand the tradeoffs between normal and multi rate DSP techniques and finite length word effects. |
A60494 |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Design and implement programs on 8085 microprocessor |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Describe and implement programs on 8086 microprocessor |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Discuss interfacing circuits with 8085 |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Express Understand the concepts related to I/O and memory interfacing |
CO5 |
Understands the interfacing techniques to 8086 and 8051 and can develop assembly language programming to design microprocessor/ micro controller based systems. |
A60493 |
Digital Signal Processing Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able State the handling of discrete/digital signals using MATLAB |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Detect the basic operations of Signal processing |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Analyze the spectral parameter of window functions |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Design IIR, and FIR filters for band pass, band stop, low pass and high pass filters. |
CO5 |
Implementation of FFT of given Sequence Determination of Power Spectrum of a given Signal( |
Year 4 – Semester 1 |
A70014 |
Management Science |
CO1 |
Student should be able Plan an organizational structure for a given context in the organization |
CO2 |
Student should be able carry out production operations through Work study. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to understand the market competition better customers and price the given products appropriately |
CO4 |
Student should be able to ensure quality for a given product or service |
CO5 |
Student should be able to plan, schedule and control projects through PERT and CPM |
A70442 |
Microwave Engineering |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand the significance of microwaves and microwave transmission lines. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to select the characteristics of microwave tubes and compare them. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to detect the various microwave solid state devices |
CO4 |
Student should be able to explain the various microwave solid state devices |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Solve up a microwave bench for measuring microwave parameters. |
A70515 |
Computer Networks |
CO1 |
Student should be able to modify and explore the basics of Computer |
CO2 |
Student should be able to understand Networks and Various Protocols. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to choose the World Wide Web concepts |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Classify a network and flow of information. |
CO5 |
Student should know the concepts of network security, Mobile and ad hoc networks. |
A70434 |
Cellular and Mobile Communications |
CO1 |
The student will be able to understand impairments due to multipath fading channel. |
CO2 |
The student will be able understand the fundamental techniques to overcome the different fading effects. |
CO3 |
The student will be able to understand Co- channel and Non-Co-channel interferences |
CO4 |
The student will be able to familiar with cell coverage for signal and traffic, diversity techniques and mobile antennas. |
CO5 |
The student will have an understanding of frequency management, Channel assignment and types of handoffs. |
A70436 |
Digital Image Processing (Elective-I) |
CO1 |
Student should know the fundamentals of Digital image processing including the topics of filtering, transforms and morphology, and image analysis and compression. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to implement basic image processing algorithms in MATLAB. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to detect the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT Processing |
CO4 |
Student should be able Be in a position to make a positive professional contribution in the field of Digital Image Processing. |
CO5 |
Student should be able toknow the tradeoffs between normal and multi rate DSP Techniques and finite length word effects. |
A70444 |
Optical Communications (Elective-II) |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand the constructional parameters of optical fibers. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to analyze the constructional parameters of optical fibers. |
CO3 |
Student should be able be design an optical system |
CO4 |
Student should be able to estimate the losses due to attenuation, absorption, scattering and bending. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to compare various optical detectors and choose suitable one for different applications |
A70086 |
Advanced Communication Skills Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to judge Accomplishment of sound vocabulary and its proper use contextually |
CO2 |
Student should be able to decide in Writing and felicity in written expression |
CO3 |
Student should be able to select Enhanced job prospects. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to prepare Effective Speaking Abilities. |
CO5 |
Communicate confidently in formal and informal contexts |
A70499 |
Microwave Engineering and Digital Communications Lab |
CO1 |
Student should be able to illustrate the characteristics of various microwave generators. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to calculate Scattering parameters of various microwave components using microwave bench. |
CO3 |
Estimate the power measurements of RF Components such as directional Couplers. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to relate PCM Generation and Detection |
CO5 |
Student should be able to state DPSK Generation and Detection, QPSK: Generation and Detection. |
A80452 |
Satellite Communications |
CO1 |
Students will understand the historical background, basic concepts and frequency allocations for satellite communication |
CO2 |
Students will demonstrate orbital mechanics, launch vehicles and launchers |
CO3 |
Students will demonstrate the design of satellite links for specified C/N with system design examples. |
CO4 |
Students will be able to visualize satellite sub systems like Telemetry, tracking, command and monitoring power systems etc. |
CO5 |
Students will understand the various multiple access systems for satellite communication systems and satellite packet communications. |
A81102 |
Biomedical Instrumentation (Elective–III) |
CO1 |
Student should be able to The concept of biomedical instrumentation. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to understand bio electrodes and activities of heart. |
CO3 |
the student will be able to operation of Therapeutic Equipment Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Shortwave Diathermy, Hemo dialysis Machine. |
CO4 |
the student will be able to operation of Respiratory Instrumentation: Mechanism of Respiration, Spirometry, Pnemuotacho graph Ventilator |
CO5 |
Student should be able to analyze ECG, EEG and EMG recordings for disorder identification |
A80450 |
Radar Systems (Elective-IV) |
CO1 |
The student will be able to understand radar fundamentals and analysis of the radar signals. |
CO2 |
The student will be able to Understand various radar transmitters and receivers. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to knowRange measurement of fm-cw radar |
CO4 |
The student will be able to understand various radars like MTI, Doppler |
CO5 |
The student will be able to understand various radars and their comparison |
A80454 |
Wireless Communications and Networks (Elective-V) |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand the principles of wireless communications. |
CO2 |
Understand fundamentals of wireless networking |
CO3 |
Student should be able to understand cellular system design concepts. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to get familiar with some of the existing and emerging wireless standards. |
CO5 |
Student should Understand the concept of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing |
A80087 |
Industry Oriented Mini Project |
CO1 |
Student should be able to design identifies basic requirements for an application and proposes a effective solution. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Build knowledge through practical assignments and learn the various design methods for solving problem. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to explain skills to build design techniques for various problem analyses. |
CO4 |
Student should be able to justify the fundamental concepts and techniques used in mini projects. |
CO5 |
Student should be able to identify the makeup of project and enables the student to understand the business process. |
A80089 |
Seminar |
CO1 |
Student should be able to express and master public speaking during technical presentations. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Get an opportunity; where in individuals can meet others with the same Interests/problems/concerns and also to envisage emerging technologies. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Have a sense of renewed hope and inspiration, as sometimes business concerns are lessened by sharing experiences with others |
CO4 |
Student should be able to Have a great morale booster for students for career making advancement |
CO5 |
Student should be able to Become speaker and it will motivate students in facing technical and HR interview rounds. |
A80090 |
Comprehensive Viva |
CO1 |
Student should be able to Communicate orally about analyzing a problem |
CO2 |
Student should be able to effectively to accomplish a common goal. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to Illustrate Recapitulate fundamentals from across all subjects |
CO4 |
Student should be able to outline Handle difficult scenario during Viva Voce in the event of plenty of subjects under question. |
CO5 |
To gain knowledge in all the subject areas |
A80088 |
Major Project |
CO1 |
Student should be able to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solutions. |
CO2 |
Student should be able to Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal. |
CO3 |
Student should be able to explain current techniques, skill and tools necessary for computing practices |
CO4 |
Student should be able to design and develop principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity. |
CO5 |
Student should be able toDescribe eye opener to bridge gap between Academia and real time industry. issues on technological front |