To embrace the students with technical skill through best teaching learning process to become competent technocrats in the field of Information Technology.
The B. Tech Information Technology programme conveys the basics as well as latest technical knowledge relating to the rapidly developing field of Information and Communication Engineering.
It began in the year 2002, with an intake of 60 students and then increased to 120.The Department has well-set faculty representing high professionalism, helps the graduating technocrats to attain excellence in all growth of life. The department has excellent infrastructure facilities with well qualified and dedicated faculty members having specialization in the areas like Data Mining, Wireless networks, Distributed Computing, Computer Networks, Soft Computing, Network Security, Digital Signal Processing, Big Data Analytics, Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Web Technologies and Mobile Computing.
• Conducted webinar on the topic “Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Filing”
• Conducted EAMCET Mock test for intermediate students.
• Conducted online Quiz on “Skill Test on Computer Professional-2”.
• Coordinated the online Quiz with Humanities and Science department for “ COVID-19: “CORONA WARRIOR”.
• Ms.Samra Ahmed and Ms.Zakirah Wahab got internship at EdVenture Park and doing ongoing project entitled “The Good Pharmacy”.
• Ms.Asma Mohamed, Ms.Shan Fathima and Ms.WardhaNaziagot internship at EdVenture Park and doing on going project entitled “Lecture Pro” EdVenture Park.
Information Technology Graduates should be able to
PEO1: Exceed expectations in proficient career and/or higher education by obtaining information in scientific, computing and engineering standards.
PEO2: Graduates will have center engineering information and computer program abilities to get it, analyze and create with efficient design for different software systems, devices etc. and give arrangements for the genuine time applications.
PEO3: Show polished skill, moral demeanor, communication aptitudes, group work in their calling and adjust to current patterns by locks in in deep rooted learning.
Engineering Graduates will be able to
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
After the fruitful completion of B.Tech program in Computer Science, the graduates will be able to
PSO1 : Analyze and plan a computing framework through procured skill, information and abilities.
PSO2 : Select fitting cutting edge program , software tools to create arrangements for different needs of software industry and society.
PSO3 : Create an state of mind required to get it the social issues and apply the proficient abilities to supply attainable arrangements.
B.Tech – IT – 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year (Course Outcomes) |
Year 2 – SEMESTER 1 |
Subject code |
Course Name |
COs |
Course Outcomes |
113AN |
Probability and Statistics |
CO1 |
Students would be able to identify distribution in certain realistic situation. Also able to differentiate among many random variable involved in the probability models. |
CO2 |
The student would be able to calculate mean and proportions (small and large sample) and to make important decisions from few samples which are taken out of unmanageably huge populations. |
CO3 |
The students would be able to find the expected queue length, the ideal time, the traffic intensity and the waiting time. These are very useful tools in many engineering and data management problems in the industry. |
CO4 |
The student would able to understand about the random process, Markov process and Markov chains which are essentially models of many time dependent processes such as signals in communications, time series analysis, queuing systems |
CO5 |
The student would be able to find the limiting probabilities and the probabilities in nth state. It is quite useful for all branches of engineering. |
113BN |
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
CO1 |
Ability to Illustrate by examples the basic terminology of Logical functions, |
CO2 |
Ability to Illustrate by examples the basic terminology of relations, and sets and demonstrate knowledge of their associated operations. |
CO3 |
Ability to Demonstrate in practical applications the use of basic counting principles of permutations, combinations, inclusion/exclusion principle and the pigeonhole methodology. |
CO4 |
Ability to represent Recurrence Relation. |
CO5 |
Ability to represent and Apply Graph theory in solving computer science problems. |
113BP |
Data Structures |
CO1 |
Learn how to use data structure concepts for realistic problems |
CO2 |
Ability to identify solving computing problems using stack and queue. |
CO3 |
Ability to identify solving computing problems using Tree and Graph. |
CO4 |
Ability to identify solving computing problems using Searching and Sorting. |
CO5 |
Ability to solve problems independently and think critically. |
113BQ |
Digital Logic Design And Computer Organization |
CO1 |
Student could able to understand the number systems. |
CO2 |
Student could able to design, understand the combinational sequential circuits. |
CO3 |
And they should be in a position to continue with computer arithmetic, instruction and addressing |
CO4 |
Student could able to understand the Processor Organization & Memory Organization. |
CO5 |
Students understand in a better way the I/O and memory organization in depth. They should be in a position to write assembly language programs for various applications. |
113AU |
Electronic Devices and Circuits |
CO1 |
Understand and analyse the different types of diodes, operation and its characteristics. |
CO2 |
Understand and analyse the different types of Rectifiers and Filters. |
CO3 |
Design and analyse the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET. |
CO4 |
Design biasing circuits using diodes and transistors. |
CO5 |
To analyze and design diode application circuits, amplifier circuits and oscillators employing BJT, FET devices. |
113BR |
Basic Electrical Engineering |
CO1 |
Able to understand the concepts of Electrical Engineering |
CO2 |
Able to understand the concepts of basics of AC circuits |
CO3 |
Able to understand principle of transformer with background of magnetic circuits |
CO4 |
Able to Classify and compare different types of Electrical machines |
CO5 |
Able to understand basic instruments, its classification and features. |
11315 |
Electrical and Electronics Lab |
CO1 |
Able to implement various verification theorems |
CO2 |
Able to conduct different tests on DC shunt machine, motor, and generator. |
CO3 |
Able to Verify the theoretical characteristics of diodes, transistors. |
CO4 |
Able to Implement and analyze various circuits viz. Rectifiers |
CO5 |
Able to Verify the theoretical characteristics ofOP-amps and digital electronic components experimentally. |
11316 |
Data Structures Lab |
CO1 |
Implement different sorting and searching algorithms |
CO2 |
Implement the stack, Queue and their applications |
CO3 |
Implement various types of linked lists and their applications |
CO4 |
Perform basic operations on trees and graphs and determine minimum spanning tree |
CO5 |
Perform graph traversal algorithms. |
Year 2 – SEMESTER 2 |
114DJ |
Principles of Programming Languages |
CO1 |
Students were able to understand Preliminary Concepts of programming |
CO2 |
Students were able to analyze and interpret data types, operator, expression and conditional statement. |
CO3 |
Students have ability to design Subprograms and Blocks |
CO4 |
Students were able to understand Abstract Data types. |
CO5 |
Students have ability to write code using Functional Programming Languages and Scripting Language |
114CQ |
Database Management Systems |
CO1 |
Demonstrate the basic elements of a relational database management system. |
CO2 |
Ability to identify the data models for relevant problems. |
CO3 |
Ability to design entity relationship model and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries on the data. |
CO4 |
Apply normalization for the development of application software. |
CO5 |
Able to understand Storage and Indexing |
114CX |
Java Programming |
CO1 |
Understanding of OOP concepts and basics of java programming |
CO2 |
The skills to apply OOP and Java programming in problem solving |
CO3 |
The skills to apply Exception handling and multithreading. |
CO4 |
The skills to apply Collection Framework, Files and Connecting to Database |
CO5 |
Able to implement GUI Programming with Java, Event handling and Applets programs |
114CW |
Environmental Studies |
CO1 |
Able to understand Ecosystems |
CO2 |
Able to understand Natural Resources |
CO3 |
Able to understand Biodiversity and Biotic Resources |
CO4 |
Able to understand Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies |
CO5 |
Able to understand Environmental Policy, Legislation & EIA |
114CR |
Data Communication |
CO1 |
The student will know the functioning of various ways of different communication systems. |
CO2 |
Able to understand about Multiplexers and Transmission Media |
CO3 |
Able to know the knowledge on Telephone Instruments, Signals and The Telephone Circuit |
CO4 |
Able to understand Cellular Telephone Systems, Data Communications Codes, Error Control, And Data Formats |
CO5 |
Able to know about different Data Communications Equipment |
114CT |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
CO1 |
Apply to analyze algorithms and improve the efficiency of algorithms, apply different designing methods for development of algorithms to realistic problems, such as divide and conquer, |
CO2 |
Apply different designing methods for development of algorithms to realistic problems using greedy method |
CO3 |
Apply different designing methods for development of algorithms to realistic problems using Dynamic Programming |
CO4 |
Apply different designing methods for development of algorithms to realistic problems using Backtracking, Branch and Bound |
CO5 |
Ability to understand NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems |
11429 |
Java Programming Lab |
CO1 |
Basics of java programming, multi-threaded programs and Exception handling |
CO2 |
The skills to apply OOP in Java programming in problem solving |
CO3 |
Ability to access data from a DB with Java programs |
CO4 |
Use of GUI components (Console and GUI based) |
CO5 |
Able to create applets. |
11424 |
Database Management Systems Lab |
CO1 |
Ability to design and implement a database schema for given problem. |
CO2 |
Be capable to Design and build a GUI application. |
CO3 |
Apply the normalization techniques for development of application software to realistic problems. |
CO4 |
Ability to formulate queries using SQL DML/DDL/DCL commands |
CO5 |
Ability to understand and use triggers. |
Year 3 – SEMESTER 1 |
115DR |
Automata and Compiler Design |
CO1 |
Graduate should be able to understand the concept of abstract machines and their power to recognize the languages. |
CO2 |
Attains the knowledge of language classes & grammars relationship among them with the help of Chomsky hierarchy. |
CO3 |
Ability to understand the design of a compiler given features of the languages. |
CO4 |
Ability to implement practical aspects of automata theory. |
CO5 |
Gain Knowledge of powerful compiler generation tools. |
115ED |
Linux Programming |
CO1 |
Students will be able to understand the basic commands of linux operating system and can write shell scripts |
CO2 |
Students will be able to create file systems and directories and operate them |
CO3 |
Students will be able to create processes background and fore ground etc.,by fork() system calls |
CO4 |
Students will be create shared memory segments, pipes ,message queues and can exercise inter process communication |
CO5 |
Work confidently in Linux environment |
115EM |
Software Engineering |
CO1 |
Able To understanding of software process models such as waterfall and evolutionary models. |
CO2 |
Able to understanding of software requirements and SRS document. |
CO3 |
Able To understanding of different software architectural styles. |
CO4 |
Able To understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing. |
CO5 |
Able To understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software. |
114EH |
Operating Systems |
CO1 |
Apply different techniques for the improvement of system performance. |
CO2 |
Ability to understand the synchronous and asynchronous communication mechanisms in their respective OS. |
CO3 |
Learn about minimization of turnaround time, waiting time and response time |
CO4 |
Learn about maximization of throughput with keeping CPU as busy as possible. |
CO5 |
Ability to compare the different OS |
115DT |
Computer Networks |
CO1 |
Able to understand and explore the basics of Computer Networks |
CO2 |
Able to understand and explore the basics of Various Protocols |
CO3 |
Students will be in a position to administrate a network and flow of Information |
CO4 |
able to understand and explore the basics Internetworking |
CO5 |
Able to understand and explore the basics concepts of network security, Mobile and ad hoc networks. |
115EG |
Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis |
CO1 |
Understanding the market dynamics namely, demand and supply, demand forecasting, elasticity of demand and supply, pricing methods and pricing in different market structures. |
CO2 |
Gain an insight into how production function is carried out to achieve least cost combination of inputs and cost analysis |
CO3 |
Develop an understanding of Analyse how capital budgeting decisions are carried out |
CO4 |
Understand the framework for both manual and computerised accounting process |
CO5 |
Know how to analyse and interpret the financial statements through ratio analysis |
11535 |
Operating Systems Lab |
CO1 |
Understand fundamental operating system abstractions such as processes, threads, files, semaphores, IPC abstractions, shared memory regions, etc., |
CO2 |
Analyze important algorithms eg. Process scheduling and memory management algorithms |
CO3 |
Categorize the operating system’s resource management techniques, dead lock management techniques, memory management techniques |
CO4 |
Demonstrate the ability to perform OS tasks in Red Hat Linux Enterprise. |
CO5 |
Ability to understand scheduling policies. |
11539 |
Computer Networks Lab (Through Linux) |
CO1 |
Ability to understand the encryption and decryption concepts in Linux environment |
CO2 |
Ability to apply appropriate algorithm for the finding of shortest route. |
CO3 |
Ability to apply sub netting functions |
CO4 |
Ability to configure the routing table |
CO5 |
Ability to understand the encryption and decryption concepts in Linux environment using RSA algorithm. |
Year 3 – SEMESTER 2 |
126EP |
Web Technologies |
CO1 |
Have understanding of server side scripting with PHP language |
CO2 |
Have understanding of what is XML and how to parse and use XML Data with Java |
CO3 |
To introduce Server side programming with Java Servlets |
CO4 |
To introduce Server side programming with JSP |
CO5 |
Gain knowledge of client side scripting, validation of forms and AJAX programming |
116FB |
Information Security Management |
CO1 |
Ability to understand the overview of information security management |
CO2 |
Ability to understand the fundamentals of information system |
CO3 |
Ability to understand different data leakage and security issues |
CO4 |
Ablity to understand different information security policy, procedure and audits. |
CO5 |
Ability to understand different roles and responsibility of information management |
126EQ |
Object Oriented Analysis and Design |
CO1 |
Able to understand conceptual model of UML, SDLC. |
CO2 |
Able to understand Basic Structural Modeling,Advanced Structural Modeling and Class & Object Diagrams. |
CO3 |
Able to model the case study in different views with respect to user requirement such as use case, activity diagrams. |
CO4 |
To understand Advanced Behavioral Modeling and deployment. |
CO5 |
Able to prepare document of the project for the unified Library application. |
126EW |
Data Warehousing and Data Mining |
CO1 |
Student should be able to understand why the data warehouse in addition to database systems. |
CO2 |
Ability to perform the preprocessing of data and apply mining techniques on it. |
CO3 |
Ability to identify the association rules in large data sets. |
CO4 |
Ability to identify the classification in large data set |
CO5 |
Ability to identify the clusters in large data sets. |
126ER |
Software Testing Methodologies |
CO1 |
List a range of different software testing techniques and strategies and be able to apply specific(automated) unit testing method to the projects. |
CO2 |
Distinguish characteristics of structural testing methods. |
CO3 |
Demonstrate the integration testing which aims to uncover interaction and compatibility problems as early as possible. |
CO4 |
Discuss about the functional and system testing methods |
CO5 |
Demonstrate various issues for object oriented testing |
126EV |
Cloud Computing |
CO1 |
Ability to understand the virtualization and cloud computing concepts |
CO2 |
Understanding the foundations of cloud computing. |
CO3 |
Understand the security aspects in cloud. |
CO4 |
Understand Building Content Delivery networks using Clouds |
CO5 |
Ability to understand Governance and Case Studies of cloud |
12626 |
Data Mining and Web Technologies Lab |
CO1 |
Ability to understand the various kinds of tools of data mining |
CO2 |
Demonstrate the classification, clusters and etc. in large data sets |
CO3 |
Use LAMP Stack for web applications |
CO4 |
Use Tomcat Server for Servlets and JSPs, Parse XML files using Java |
CO5 |
Write simple applications with Technologies like HTML, Javascript, AJAX, PHP, Servlets and JSPs,Connect to Database and get results |
12622 |
Advanced Communication Skills (ACS) Lab |
CO1 |
Accomplishment of sound vocabulary and its proper use contextually. |
CO2 |
Flair in Writing and felicity in written expression. |
CO3 |
Enhanced job prospects. |
CO4 |
Effective Speaking Abilities |
CO5 |
Communicate confidently in formal and informal contexts |
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1 |
117DY |
Information Security |
CO1 |
Student will be able to understand basic cryptographic algorithms |
CO2 |
Student will be able to understand basic message, web authentication and security issues |
CO3 |
Ability to identify information system requirements for both of them such as client and server. |
CO4 |
Ability to understand the current legal issues towards information security. |
CO5 |
Ability to understand the Case Studies on Cryptography and security |
117CF |
Design Patterns |
CO1 |
Ability to understand design patterns |
CO2 |
Ability to understand different case studies of design pattern and Creational pattern |
CO3 |
Able to apply common design patterns to incremental development |
CO4 |
Able to apply common design patterns to iterative development |
CO5 |
Ability to identify appropriate patterns for design of given problem |
117FM |
Mobile Application Development |
CO1 |
Ability to evaluate and select appropriate solutions to the mobile computing platform. |
CO2 |
Ability to develop J2ME Architecture and Development Environment. |
CO3 |
Ability to develop the user interface |
CO4 |
Ability to develop Record Management System |
CO5 |
Ability design a simple mobile phone game |
117DX |
Information Retrieval Systems |
CO1 |
Possess the ability to store and retrieve textual documents using appropriate models |
CO2 |
Possess the ability to use the various retrieval utilities for improving search |
CO3 |
Possess an understanding of indexing and compressing documents to improve space and time efficiency |
CO4 |
Possess the skill to formulate SQL like queries for unstructured data |
CO5 |
Understand issues in web search |
117JR |
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing |
CO1 |
Ability to understand the strengths and limitations of mobile networks |
CO2 |
Ability to understand the strengths and limitations of wireless networks |
CO3 |
Ability to understand the mobile network protocols |
CO4 |
Ability to design and analyze the performance of location update algorithms for cellular networks; |
CO5 |
Ability to understand routing algorithms |
117BX |
Computer Graphics |
CO1 |
Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and applications of computer graphics. |
CO2 |
Discuss various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects and their comparative analysis. |
CO3 |
Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite form. |
CO4 |
Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to graphics display device. |
CO5 |
Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3D scene on 2D screen. |
11708 |
Case Tools and Software Testing Lab |
CO1 |
Able to Understand how UML supports the entire OOAD process. |
CO2 |
Able to implement different phases of OOAD. |
CO3 |
Able to implement different software testing techniques and strategies. |
CO4 |
Know the procedure to write test plan and execution, and use tools. |
CO5 |
Ability to deliver the product with qualitative. |
11735 |
Mobile Applications Development Lab |
CO1 |
Ability to install J2ME toolkit. |
CO2 |
Ability to develop the user interface |
CO3 |
Ability to develop authenticate with a Web Server.. |
CO4 |
Ability to design Web application using J2ME |
CO5 |
Ability to work with threads and High level UI |
Year 4 – SEMESTER 2 |
118CR |
Management Science |
CO1 |
Able to Plan an organisational structure for a given context in the organisation carry out production operations through Work study |
CO2 |
Able to understand the markets, customers and competition better and price the given products appropriately. |
CO3 |
Able to ensure quality for a given product or service, plan and control the HR function better |
CO4 |
Able to plan, schedule and control projects through PERT and CPM |
CO5 |
Able to evolve a strategy for a business or service organisation |
. |
118FE |
Web Services |
CO1 |
Able to basic concepts of web services |
CO2 |
Able to understand the details of Web services technologies: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI |
CO3 |
Able to learn how to implement and deploy web service clients and servers |
CO4 |
Able to explore interoperability between different frameworks. |
CO5 |
Able to learn basic concepts of SOA |
118DD |
Multimedia & Rich Internet Applications |
CO1 |
Able to understand Fundamental concepts in Text and Image |
CO2 |
Ability to design a short films |
CO3 |
Ability to design teaching material for better Understanding |
CO4 |
Ability to apply different multimedia development tools to produce web based |
CO5 |
Ability to apply different multimedia development tools to produce stand-alone user interfaces |
11856 |
Seminar |
CO1 |
Content |
CO2 |
Contribution of the work |
CO3 |
Methods & Results |
CO4 |
Completeness |
CO5 |
Final Report |
11841 |
Project |
CO1 |
Identification of problem Domain, Detailed Analysis, Study of Existing System and feasibility of project proposal |
CO2 |
Objectives, methodologies, planning of project work |
CO3 |
Implementation, results, conclusion and discussion |
CO4 |
Demonstration and Report |
CO5 |
Presentation |