Programme Educational Objective (PEO)
Computer Science Graduates should be able to
PEO1: Graduates will acquire capability to apply their knowledge and skills to solve various computational engineering problems.
PEO2: Graduates will inculcate professional attitude, ethics and ability to relate computer engineering issues with social consciousness.
PEO3: Graduates will have soft skills to adapt to the diverse global environment, fervor for lifelong learning and entrepreneurial practice for their holistic growth.
Programme Outcomes (PO)
Engineering Graduates will be able to
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
After the fruitful completion of B.Tech program in Computer Science, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: Ability to apply core concepts of science, computing and optimization techniques to solve real world problems over multi-disciplinary domains.
PSO2: Capability to Architect, evolve and integrate a working model, leading to secure software product development to meet evolving needs of the industry and open source environments.
PSO3: Ability to apply standard practices and strategies for effective software project management to deliver quality product.
Course Outcomes (CO) R18 2,3,4 YEAR
CS301 ES Analog and Digital Electronics
CO1 To understand, characteristics and applications of various components such as diodes, BJTs and FETs
CO2 To understand and design of various types of amplifier circuits.
CO3 To learn Boolean algebra and minimize the combinational functions
CO4 To understand and design a combinational logic circuits
CO5 To design and analyze the sequential circuits.
CS302 ES Data Structures
CO1 To learn the basic linear data structures such as linked list, stack and queues
CO2 To learn non-linear data structures such as hash tables, search trees, heaps, graphs
CO3 To study the operations of various trees such as BST, AVL, Red-Black and splay trees
CO4 To implement various graph traversal techniques and sorting algorithms
CO5 To study the various pattern matching algorithms
MA303 BS Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
CO1 To study the theory of probability distributions of single and multiple random variables
CO2 To study and apply the concepts of mathematical expectation and discrete probability distribution
CO3 To learn continuous probability distributions and sampling distributions.
CO4 To study and apply the sampling theory and testing of hypothesis
CO5 To learn Stochastic process and Markov chains
CS304 PC Computer Organization and Architecture
CO1 To understand the principles of computer organization and architecture and the basics of instruction sets, register transfer language and their impacts on processor design
CO2 To study the control unit, CPU organization, various types of addressing modes and instructions.
CO3 To study the fixed and fixed and floating point addition, subtraction, multiplication division operations and algorithms
CO4 To learn various types of data transfer techniques and memory organization
CO5 To study pipeline, vector processing and multi processors, RISC and CISC architectures.
CS305 PC
Object Oriented Programming using C++
CO1 To study the object oriented programming concepts and structure of C++ Object oriented programming language
CO2 To learn the concepts of classes and objects, member functions, data abstraction
CO3 To study and implement various inheritance models, polymorphism and virtual functions
CO4 To study and develop programs using operator overloading, file handling
CO5 To introduce the concepts of exception handling and how exception handling are applied in a programs
CS306 ES Analog and Digital Electronics Lab
CO1 To understand, know and utilization of the characteristics of various components
CO2 Realization of logic gates and ciruits
CO3 To design and analyze of small signal amplifier circuits
CO4 To design and analyze of combinational circuits
CO5 To design and analyze of sequential circuits
CS307 PC Data Structures Lab
CO1 Develop the programs for linked list, stack and queues
CO2 To implement programs for graph traversal techniques
CO3 To implement programs for various sorting techniques.
CO4 To implement programs for various searching techniques.
CO5 To implement programs for various tree traversal methods
CS308 PC IT Workshop Lab
CO1 To give training for Assembling and Disassembling of a PC
CO2 To give training for software installation and hardware troubleshooting.
CO3 To give training for MS word and MS- Excel Tools
CO4 To give training on presentation software tools
CO5 To give training for Network, web browsers and search engines etc.
CS309 PC C++ Programming Lab
CO1 To implement programs for classes and object creation.
CO2 To implement programs for various inheritance
CO3 To implement programs for polymorphism
CO4 To implement programs for formatted and unformatted I/O and exception handling features
CO5 To implement programs for memory allocation
MC309/MC409 Gender Sensitization Lab
CO1 To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural construction of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society.
CO2 To generate awareness in regard to equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
CO3 To provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating/main streaming gender in all activities of the institution in the form of focused group discussion, debates, poster making competitions etc.
CO4 To make young boys and girls gender sensitive and create positive values that supports girls and their rights.
CO5 To sensitizes the students on the gender discrimination.
Year 2 – Semester 2
CS401 PC Discrete Mathematics
CO1 To understand the basic concepts and construction of inference rules, mathematical proof and strategy.
CO2 Ability to use logic and set theory to formulate precise statements, and partial order relations
CO3 Ability to analyze the problems using algorithms, induction methods and recursive functions
CO4 Ability to analyze and solve the problems using counting techniques
CO5 To understand and apply graphs and trees in solving computing problems
SM402MS/ SM305MS Business Economics and Financial analysis
CO1 To understand the various forms of business and impact of economics variables on the business
CO2 To study and understand the various types of demands and supply analysis
CO3 To analyze the business from the financial perspective such as production, cost, market structure and pricing.
CO4 To study the financial statements of a company like journal, ledger, preparation of trial balance, accounts
CO5 To understand various financial analysis
CS403 PC
Operating Systems
CO1 To understand the various types of operating systems and services, function calls
CO2 To provide the concepts of process, threats, scheduling and CPU scheduling, scheduling algorithms
CO3 To understand the concepts of deadlocks and various hazards, process management and inter process communication
CO4 To learn the concepts of memory management, virtual memory, memory allocation and replacement algorithms
CO5 To understand the various file system interface and operations
CS404 PC Data Base Management Systems
CO1 To understand the basic concepts , structure and the applications of database systems, design, ER model
CO2 To understand the basics of Relational model, relational algebra and calculus.
CO3 To study the SQL commands and queries for retrieval and management of data, schema and various normal forms
CO4 To understand the basics of transaction processing and concurrency control
CO5 To study and understand various database storage structures and access techniques.
CS405 PC JAVA Programming
CO1 To understand the concepts of OOP concepts, inheritance and apply them in solving problems using Java
CO2 To study the concepts of packages, interfaces and stream based I/O
CO3 To learn the concepts of exception handling and multi-threading.
CO4 To understand and solve problems using java collection framework and I/O classess.
CO5 To understand event handling mechanisms and the design of GUI using applets and swing controls
CS406 PC Operating Systems Lab
CO1 To simulate a program for various CPU scheduling algorithm
CO2 To simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance
CO3 To simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Prevention
CO4 To implement various system call functions and Inter Process Communication mechanisms.
CO5 To simulate the memory management techniques
CS407 PC
Data Base Management Systems Lab
CO1 To implement the concept design with ER and relational model
CO2 To design a database schema for a given application and apply normalization technique
CO3 To acquire skills using SQL commands
CO4 To develop solutions for database applications using procedures, cursors and triggers.
CO5 To design a database for a given real time problem
CS408 PC JAVA Programming Lab
CO1 To develop a java program for simple calculator applications and applet.
CO2 To implement programs using abstract class and real world problems using Java collection framework
CO3 To implement GUI programs using swing controls in Java
CO4 To develop multi threaded programs
CO5 To develop a java program for a given real time problem
MC409/MC309 Constitution of India
CO1 To understand the meaning of constitution law and characteristics of the constitution of India.
CO2 To understand the concepts of fundamental rights, duties and legal status of constitution of India.
CO3 To understand the concepts of constitution powers and status of the president of India
CO4 To study the historical perspective of the constitutional amendments in India
CO5 To study the fundamental rights to equality.
Year 3 – Semester 1
CS501 PC Formal Languages and Automata Theory
CO1 To understand the concept of abstract machine, finite automata (deterministic and non-deterministic) and solve problems.
CO2 To understand the fundamental concepts of formal languages, regular expression and regular languages
CO3 Able to understand grammars, derivations, parse tree and ambiguity for formal languages and push down automata.
CO4 Able to understand the design of context free grammars for formal languages.
CO5 To understand turning machine, difference between decidability and undecidability and also gain proficiency with mathematical tools and formal methods.
CS502 PC Software Engineering
CO1 To understand the basic concepts software engineering and software process models
CO2 Ability to translate end-user requirements into system and software requirements and models
CO3 Ability to identify and apply software architecture and design in a given problem
CO4 To understand the various testing strategies in software problems ad able to develop a simple testing report
CO5 To understand various software metrics and quality management.
CS503 PC Computer Networks
CO1 To gain knowledge of the basic computer network technology and its hardware components
CO2 To understand the knowledge of various layers in the OSI and TCP/IP model
CO3 To gain the knowledge of routing mechanisms and to study various routing algorithms
CO4 To understand various protocols used in network
CO5 To understand how the protocols to be applied in computer network design and implementation.
CS504 PC Web Technologies
CO1 To learn and gain knowledge for PHP language and server side scripting
CO2 To understand XML and HTML tags
CO3 To understand server side programming for Java Servlets.
CO4 To understand JSP
CO5 To learn client side scripting with Javascript and AJAX
CS513 PE Data Analytics (PE-I)
CO1 To understand the fundamental concepts of data management and data processing
CO2 To understand the fundamental concept of data analytics for business and decision strategy.
CO3 To carryout various data analysis and statistical analysis models
CO4 To understand object segmentation, supervised and unsupervised learning models and estimate the accuracy of the algorithm
CO5 To understand various data sources and search methods and visualization techniques
CS515 PC Principles of Programming Languages (PE-I)
CO1 To understand the preliminary concepts of programming languages, syntax and semantics
CO2 To understand the concepts of various data types, expressions and control structure
CO3 To understand the concepts of subprograms, ADT and its implementation
CO4 To gain knowledge of concurrency and exception handling mechanisms in various programming language
CO5 To gain knowledge of functional, logc and scripting programming languages like LIS, PROLOG and Python
CS521 PE / IT525 PE Computer Graphics
(PE – II)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of computer graphics, output primitives and polygon filling algorithms
CO2 To acquire knowledge of 2D transformations and viewing.
CO3 Ability to understand 3D object representations
CO4 To gain knowledge of 3D transformation and viewing
CO5 To learn computer animation and surface detection methods.
CS505 PC Software Engineering Lab
CO1 To have on experience in design of the system and software requirements
CO2 Preparation of software requirement and configuration for specific applications using CASE tools
CO3 Developing test cases by using design phase CASE tools
CO4 To use a CASE Tools software for doing simple projects
CO5 To develop a software for a real time problem
CS506 PC Computer Networks and Web Technologies Lab
CO1 To simulate a program to compute CRC, analyze routing and congestion issues in network design.
CO2 To simulate programs for routing, data encryption, decryption algorithm, congestion control and frame sorting technique
CO3 To simulate network performance using NS2
CO4 To develop programs using PHP scripting language
CO5 To simulate the performance of a program using NS 2
EN508 HS Advanced Communication Skills Lab
CO1 To give ideas for group discussions, facing interview, making oral presentation and form a letter
CO2 Activities for reading and writing comprehensions
CO3 Activities for oral and written presentation through posters/projects/reports/e-mail and assignments
CO4 Activities for group discussion and interview skills 1
CO5 Activities for group discussion and interview skills 2
MC510 Intellectual Property Rights
CO1 To understand IPR and its types
CO2 To understand and evaluate Trademarks and evaluation process
CO3 To gain knowledge of copy rights, patents and its law
CO4 To understand the knowledge of trade secrets and its law
CO5 To understand and gain the international development of IPR
Year 3 – Semester 2
CS601 PC Machine Learning
CO1 To understand the concepts of machine learning techniques such as decision tree learning
CO2 To understand the concepts of Artificial Neural Networks and its algorithm and basics of sampling theory, hypothesis evaluation
CO3 To study the concepts of computational intelligence learning techniques using Bayesian learning and instant based learning techniques
CO4 To understand genetic algorithms, learning rules and reinforcement learning algorithm
CO5 To understand and usage of machine learning applications using analytical learning
CS602 PC Compiler Design
CO1 To learn major concepts of language translation and role of lexical analyzer, identification of tokens
CO2 To gain knowledge of syntax analysis, context-free-grammars and parsing
CO3 To understand intermediate code generation and syntax-directed translations
CO4 To simulate a code optimization to improve the performance of a program in terms of time and space complexity
CO5 To understand machine independent optimization and data flow analysis
CS603 PC Design and Analysis of Algorithm
CO1 To understand the notations for analysis of the performance of the algorithms and describes the divide and conquer algorithmic techniques
CO2 To understand the data structure disjoint sets operations and describe the backtracking algorithmic technique
CO3 To understand the dynamic programming concepts and solves some problems
CO4 To solve knapsack problems, minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path problems using greedy method
CO5 To understand the concepts of branch and bound method, deterministic and non-deterministic algorithm, P,NP,NP-hard, NP-complete tractable and intractable problems
CS612 PE Network Programming (PE – III)
CO1 To understand the network programming OSI model, TCP and UDP & TCP condnection an sockets
CO2 To understand client-server functions and the basics of socket programming
CO3 To write a simple socket API based programs
CO4 To understand broadcasting and multicasting concepts
CO5 To understand the usage of TCP/UDP/Raw sockets
CS614 PE Mobile Application Development
CO1 To understand the fundamentals of Android operating system and Android application components
CO2 To gain knowledge of Android development tools and develop Android user interface
CO3 To understand the broadcast services
CO4 To learn the concept on storage and sharing preferences
CO5 To gain knowledge of SQLite database and operations
CS615 PE Software Testing Methodologies (PE – III)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of software testing and testing process, criteria strategies and methodologies
CO2 To gain knowledge of transactional flow testing and techniques, data flow testing and domain testing
CO3 To study path products, regular expression and logic based testing techniques
CO4 To understand state, state graphs and transition testing
CO5 To learn graph matrices and to develop skills in software test automation and management using latest tools.
CS604 PC Machine Learning Lab
CO1 To simulate a data prediction algorithm, k-nearest neighbor algorithm using python
CO2 To write a program to extract data from database using python
CO3 To simulate a program for data analysis
CO4 To apply machine learning algorithm using real data.
CO5 To apply machine learning algorithm for a real time problem
CS605 PC Compiler Design Lab
CO1 To design and develop a parsing algorithm using compiler tools
CO2 To develop a program to generate three address code
CO3 Design a program for bottom-up parser for a given language
CO4 To design and implement LL parsers.
CO5 To design and implement LR parsers.
CS622 PE Network Programming Lab (PE – III)
CO1 To implement programs for IPC using PIPE
CO2 To implement programs for IPC using message queue and shared memory
CO3 To design a TCP iterative client and server application to transfer a file, reserve the given input sentence, to convert the text into uppercase etc
CO4 Program to simulate the design of UDP client and server application
CO5 Design a program for RPC application
CS625 PE
Software Testing Methodologies Lab (PE – III)
CO1 Develop a GUI based checkpoint for single/multiple object(s)/Window(s)
CO2 Develop bitmap checkpoint for screen area, object/window
CO3 Develop database checkpoint for default check, custom check, runtime check
CO4 Simulate a data driven test for flat files, dynamic test data submission
CO5 To simulate a test case for calculator in windows applications.
MC609 Environmental Science
CO1 To understand the importance of eco systems
CO2 To understand the various classification of resources
CO3 To learn biodiversity and biotic resources
CO4 To study environmental pollution and control technologies
CO5 To understand the impacts of environmental policies and regulations
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1
CS701 PC Cryptography and Network Security
CO1 To understand security concepts, cryptography concepts and techniques
CO2 To learn symmetric and asymmetric key Ciphers and its algorithm
CO3 To discuss fundamental ideas of key management and functions, cryptography hash functions
CO4 To understand the various types of information security, web security and firewall.
CO5 To learn e-mail security and to case studies on network security related with transactions and vulnerability
CS702 PC Data Mining
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of data mining and data warehouses
CO2 Ability to understand the types of data to be mined and present a general classification tasks
CO3 To analyze the data mining methods for data classification and prediction.
CO4 To study the clustering analysis techniques and methods
CO5 To study and apply the data mining algorithm in various fields and types of data mining methods
CS714 PE Cloud Computing
(PE – IV)
CO1 Ability to understand the various types of computing models/paradigms
CO2 To understand the fundamental concepts of cloud computing
CO3 Ability to understand the various service delivery models of a cloud computing architecture
CO4 To understand various cloud service models
CO5 To understand cloud service providers
CS721 PE Advanced Algorithms
(PE – V)
CO1 To understand the role of algorithm in computing and randomized algorithms and problem to be solved using dynamic programming approach
CO2 To study and apply Greedy algorithmic techniques and graph algorithms for a given problem
CO3 To learn sorting networks and strassen’s matrix operations
CO4 To understand various string pattern matching algorithms
CO5 To understand the concepts of P, NP, NP-hard and NP complete problems and solve problems
CS703 PC Cryptography and Network Security Lab
CO1 Develop a C Program to implement encryption and decryption algorithm using DES/Blowfish /Rjindael algorithm logic
CO2 Develop a Java Program to implement encryption and decryption algorithm using DES/Blowfish /Rjindael algorithm logic
CO3 Implement RSA algorithm using Java
CO4 To implement RC4 using Java Cryptography
CO5 To calculate the message digest of a text using SHA-1, MD5 algorithm using Java.
Project Work
– Stage 1
CO1 To identify and define problem statement by doing literature surveys with awareness and impact of society and development
CO2 To demonstrate strong working model and ethical use of necessary modern tools used in the problem
CO3 To analyze complex problems and design appropriate engineering knowledge gained from previous courses are taken into considerations
CO4 Express team work, creative skills and innovative qualities are considered towards the completion of the project
CO5 Present the completed work, the results obtained and prepare a project report in the specified format.
Year 4 – SEMESTER – 2.
SM801 MS Organizational Behavior
CO1 To understand the basics of Organization behavior of the management, organization design
CO2 To learn cognitive processes and work motivation approaches, emotional intelligence
CO3 To understand the various types of communications in organization, decision making, various types of stress and conflicts
CO4 To discuss organizational power and politics, groups and teams in modern work environment
CO5 To understand the quality of work life in organization and work practices
ME800OE Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
CO1 To understand the principles of solar radiation and solar energy collection
CO2 Understand principles of energy conversion from alternate sources including wind, geothermal, ocean
CO3 Understand principles of energy conversion from alternate sources biomass, biogas and hydrogen.
CO4 Understand the concepts and applications of fuel cells, thermoelectric convertor and MHD generator.
CO5 Identify methods of energy storage for specific applications
CS814 PE Human Computer Interaction
(PE – VI)
CO1 To understand Human Computer Interaction HCI) with an understanding of Graphical User Interface (GUI) design
CO2 To apply HCI and principles to interaction design
CO3 To understand various control and device components used in HCI
CO4 To learn software process used in HCI and HCI pattern evaluation techniques and design principles.
CO5 To apply cognitive models and design certain tools for a given problem.
Project Work
– Stage 2
CO1 To identify and analyze problems in existing system and gather requirements of end user.
CO2 Identify and use modern tools for analysis and design to solve a real world problems
CO3 Communicate and work with engineers in team and the community at large in written and oral forms
CO4 To develop and demonstrate the solution with good presentation and communication skills
CO5 To prepare a project report in the specified format.
Course Outcomes (CO) R16 2,3,4 YEAR
MA301 BS Mathematics – IV
CO1 To analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, harmonic function and Milne-Thompson methods
CO2 To learn differentiation and integration function and to evaluate the integral using Cauchy’s integral formula and also to find the Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion of complex functions
CO3 To evaluate the different types of integral using bilinear transformations method
CO4 To understand the periodic function by Fourier series in terms of sines and cosines; a non-periodic function by fourier transforms in
CO5 To understand the usage and applications of Partial Differential equations and to analyze the displacements of one dimensional wave and distribution of one dimensional heat equation
CS302ES Data Structures Through C++
CO1 To understand the concepts of ADT, linear and non-linear data structures and the notations used to analyze the performance of the algorithm.
CO2 To understand the linear data structures such as linked list and its types, stack, queue and the various operations
CO3 Ability to design program using trees, implementation methods and traversal methods, heaps
CO4 To understand various sorting and searching algorithms
CO5 To learn non-linear data structure graphs, trees, various graph searching techniques and implementation and BST operation, Red-black tree
CS303 ES Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
CO1 To understand the basic notations of mathematical logic, normal forms, inference and predicate calculus.
CO2 To introduce the concepts of sets, relations, functions and algebraic structures such as groups, monoids and Boolean algebra.
CO3 To understand permutation and combination function and the principles of Inclusion and Exclusion.
CO4 Ability to solve problems using recurrence relations
CO5 Ability to solve a real world problems using graphs and trees
CS304 ES Digital Logic Design
CO1 To understand basic number system, codes, logic gates and Boolean algebra.
CO2 To understand the use of minimization logic to solve the Boolean logic expressions
CO3 Able to design sequential and combinational circuits
CO4 To understand and apply state reduction methods for sequential circuits
CO5 To understand various types of memories.
CS305 ES Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA
CO1 To solve the problems using OOP techniques and to learn the inheritance concepts and its types, polymorphism, classes and objects.
CO2 To understand java packages and interfaces
CO3 To learn the concepts of exception handling and multithreading and develop applications.
CO4 To understand java collection framework and solve problems using java framework and I/O classes.
CO5 Ability to design GUI based applications and develop applets for web application
CS306 ES Data Structures Lab
CO1 To develop a linear data structure programs linked list, stack, queue and perform various operations
CO2 To simulate a non-linear data structure program for BST, trees, graphs and perform various operations
CO3 To develop a program for Tree and Graph traversal techniques.
CO4 To implement program for various sorting
CO5 To implement various Searching Techniques.
CS307 ES IT Workshop Lab
CO1 To understand various peripheral devices, assemble and disassemble a Computer system and install the Operating System.
CO2 To understand the problems of Hardware trouble shooting techniques; and also to understand the usage of internet and protecting the system from malware.
CO3 To understand the usage of MS-office tools MS-Word and MS-Excel.
CO4 To understand the usage of MS-office tools for preparation of PPT slides
CO5 To understand Open Office software and Latex for type setting
CS308 ES Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA Lab
CO1 To develop a real world problems using java collection framework and abstract classes.
CO2 To develop java applet and multithreaded programs for a given problem
CO3 To develop GUI programs using swing controls in Java
CO4 To develop a program for various sorting problem
CO5 To develop a program for various searching problem
MC300 ES Environmental Science and Technology
CO1 To understand the impacts of ecosystems, energy and its services.
CO2 To understand the various types of living, non-living resources and energy resources.
CO3 To learn the concepts of biodiversity and biotic resources.
CO4 To understand the knowledge of environmental pollution such as water, soil, noise, solid waste etc and control technologies
CO5 To understand the environmental policies and regulations acts which helps in sustainable development.
Year 2 – SEMESTER 2
CS401 ES Computer Organization
CO1 To understand the basic components of computer system, instruction codes, instruction cycles and micro-programmed control unit.
CO2 To learn 8086 architecture and instruction set, addressing modes and assembler directives.
CO3 To develop 8086 programs for a given problem and understand interrupt concepts and ISR
CO4 Able to understand the design of computer arithmetic algorithms using fixed and floating point operation and the I/O organization
CO5 To understand memory organization and understand the concepts of pipeline, vector processing and multiprocessors.
CS402 ES Data Base Management Systems
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of database systems, database languages, ER model and Relational models for a relevant problem
CO2 To understand basic SQL commands and how to construct queries and understand the concepts of relational algebra, calculus and tuples
CO3 To understand various types of normalization for the development of application software
CO4 To learn the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control.
CO5 To understand various types of storage and indexing techniques.
CS403 ES Operating Systems
CO1 To understand the concepts of OS and role of OS in computer system and its services, system calls
CO2 To understand process and CPU scheduling and solve concurrency and synchronization problems.
CO3 To understand the different concepts of memory management techniques.
CO4 To understand the concepts of I/O, file and storage management system and disk scheduling.
CO5 To learn the concepts of deadlocks and protection mechanism and its types
CS404 ES Formal Languages and Automata Theory
CO1 To learn the fundamental concepts of automata theory, DFA and NFA.
CO2 Able to understand languages and expressions and properties of regular languages (closure and decision)
CO3 To understand the concepts of grammars and design context free grammars for formal languages and automata theory
CO4 To understand the design of Context free grammar and Turing machine and its programming techniques
CO5 To understand the difference between decidability and undecidability problems
SM405 ES Business Economics and Financial Analysis
CO1 To learn the basics of business and its types, the impact of economics on business.
CO2 To learn demand, characteristics of good demand, method of demand forecasting and supply analysis
CO3 To understand the production, cost, market structure and pricing from the financial perspective. Break Even analysis and Cost volume Profit analysis are also learnt.
CO4 To learn the basic of financial accounting concepts by analyzing the statements of a company
CO5 To solve problems through rations using financial analysis (Fund flow and Cash flow)
CS406 ES Computer Organization Lab
CO1 Design and implement adder, decoder, encoder, comparator and multiplexer using gates.
CO2 Design and implement a counter and shift register
CO3 Develop an assembly language program for solving arithmetic expression, code conversion, ascending and descending order
CO4 Develop an assembly language program for performing various string related operations, solving sequence of series.
CO5 Develop assembly language program for finding a factorial and Fibonacci number.
CS407 ES Database Management Systems Lab
CO1 To implement the concept design with ER and relational model for a given problem
CO2 To design a database schema for a given application and apply normalization technique
CO3 To acquire skills using SQL commands
CO4 To develop solutions for database applications using procedures, cursors and triggers.
CO5 O develop a database application for a real time problem
CS408 ES Operating Systems Lab
CO1 To simulate a program for various system calls, CPU scheduling algorithm, page replacement algorithm
CO2 To simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention
CO3 To implement various system call functions and Inter Process Communication mechanisms and solve synchronization problems
CO4 To simulate file allocation methods
CO5 To simulate a program for memory management techniques
MC400 HS Gender Sensitization Lab
CO1 To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural construction of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society.
CO2 To generate awareness in regard to equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
CO3 To provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating/main streaming gender in all activities of the institution in the form of focused group discussion, debates, poster making competitions etc.
CO4 To make young boys and girls gender sensitive and create positive values that support girls and their rights
CO5 To sensitize the students on the gender discrimination.
Year 3 – SEMESTER 1
CS501 PC Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CO1 To understand the notations for analysis of the performance of the algorithms and describes the divide and conquer algorithmic techniques
CO2 To understand the data structure disjoint sets operations and describe the backtracking algorithmic technique
CO3 To solve knapsack problems, minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path problems using greedy method
CO4 To understand the dynamic programming concepts and solves some problems
CO5 To understand the concepts of branch and bound method, deterministic and non-deterministic algorithm, P,NP,NP-hard, NP-complete tractable and intractable problems
CS502 PC Data Communication and Computer Networks
CO1 To understand the fundamental concepts of data communication, topologies, ISO layering models and transmission medium used for communication
CO2 To learn data link layer, error deduction and control mechanisms, various IEEE standards
CO3 To understand the concept of network layering concepts, routing protocols and inter networking
CO4 To learn about transport layer, traffic congestion and control, switching networks
CO5 To understand the various protocols used in several application areas internet, e-mail, www
CS503 PC Software Engineering
CO1 To understand the basic concepts software engineering and software process models
CO2 Ability to translate end-user requirements into system and software requirements and models
CO3 Ability to identify and apply software architecture and design in a given problem
CO4 To understand the various testing strategies in software problems ad able to develop a simple testing report
CO5 To understand various software metrics and quality management.
SM504MS Fundamentals of Management
CO1 To understand the basics of management, its function, roles and evolution approached.
CO2 To understand various types of management planning and decision making process.
CO3 To understand organization structures and HR plays a vital role for an organization. Various roles of HR and business strategy, performance appraisal of employee.
CO4 To discuss organizational leadership and various types of leadership and employee motivation in work environment
CO5 To understand various types of strategy used in control, how to establish control systems in an organization.
CS505 PC Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
CO1 To develop a java program to implement various sorting algorithms
CO2 To develop java program to implement graph traversal algorithm.
CO3 To implement java program for sum of subsets, n-queen, Hamiltonian circuits using backtracking technique
CO4 To simulate a java program minimum shortest path problem using Dijkstra’s, Prim’s
CO5 Program to simulate a , Kruskal’s and Floyd’s algorithm for a given graph
CS506 PC Computer Networks Lab
CO1 To simulate a program for data link layer framework methods and CRC polynomial on a data set of characters
CO2 To simulate shortest path algorithm by a graph using Dikstra’s algorithms
CO3 To find the routing table of a grph by using vector routing algorithm.
CO4 To implement program for encryption method using RSA algorithm.
CO5 To implement program for decryption method using RSA algorithm.
CS507 PC Software Engineering Lab
CO1 To have on experience in design of the system and software requirements for a given problem
CO2 Preparation of software requirement and configuration for specific applications using CASE tools
CO3 Developing test cases by using design phase CASE tools
CO4 To use a CASE Tools software for doing simple projects
CO5 Develop a CASE tools software for a real time problems
MC500 HS Professional Ethics
CO1 To understand the importance of ethics in professionalism and organization
CO2 To understand the basic principles of ethical principles and moral autonomy
CO3 To learn the responsibilities of ethical practices in real world problems
CO4 To understand the rights and responsibilities in a working environment
CO5 To understand global ethics in current scenario, corporate governance and IPR in various places
Year 3 – SEMESTER 2
CS601 PC Compiler Design Lab
CO1 To learn major concepts of language translation and role of lexical analyzer, identification of tokens
CO2 To gain knowledge of syntax analysis, context-free-grammars and parsing
CO3 To understand intermediate code generation and syntax-directed translations
CO4 To simulate a code optimization to improve the performance of a program in terms of time and space complexity
CO5 To understand machine independent optimization and data flow analysis
CS602 PC Web Technologies
CO1 To learn and gain knowledge for PHP language and server side scripting
CO2 To understand XML and HTML tags
CO3 To understand server side programming for Java Servlets.
CO4 To understand JSP
CO5 To learn client side scripting with Javascript and AJAX
CS603 PC Cryptography and Network Security
CO1 To understand security concepts, cryptography concepts and techniques
CO2 To learn symmetric and asymmetric key Ciphers and its algorithm
CO3 To discuss fundamental ideas of key management and functions, cryptography hash functions
CO4 To understand the various types of information security, web security and firewall.
CO5 To learn e-mail security and to case studies on network security related with transactions and vulnerability
CS611PE 1 Mobile Computing
(PE – 1)
CO1 To understand the concepts of mobile computing devices, architecture, models, services and protocols
CO2 To understand MAC mechanism and wireless network layer management system
CO3 To understand the database issues in mobile environment
CO4 To understand data delivery and classification mechanisms and synchronization methods
CO5 To understand MANET and its protocols used in mobile environment
CS614 PE – II Information Security Management (Security Analyst – I)
CO1 To understand the fundamentals of information security, technology, Threats and Attacks
CO2 To learn the information security elements and characteristics
CO3 To study about data leakages and key performance indicators of information security, database security
CO4 To learn the concepts of information security policies, procedure and guidelines and frameworks
CO5 To understand the various roles and responsibilities of information security
CS615 PE – I Introduction to Analytics (Associate Analytics – I)
CO1 To understand the concepts of analytics in business and R programming
CO2 To understand the statistical data used in R programming, team work concepts
CO3 To understand how SQL and Excel are used in R programming
CO4 To learn correlation and regression analysis
CO5 To understand various business problems and collect/gathering the data used in a particular problem.
CS604 PC Cryptography and Network Security Lab
CO1 Develop a C/Java Program to implement encryption and decryption algorithm using DES/Blowfish /Rjindael algorithm logic
CO2 Implement RSA algorithm using Java
CO3 To implement RC4 using Java Cryptography
CO4 To calculate the message digest of a text using SHA-1, MD5 algorithm using Java.
CS605 PC Web Technologies Lab
CO1 To install the software Apache web server, Tomcat, MySQL, PHP, JSP and Servlets.
CO2 To develop simple applications using java script, PHP
CO3 To implement any web based application software using PHP, Servlets, JSP.
CO4 To develop simple web based programs and connect the database and get the results.
CO5 To Parse XML files using Java (DOM and SAX parsers)
EN606 HS Advanced English Communication Skills Lab
CO1 To give ideas for group discussions, facing interview, making oral presentation and form a letter
CO2 Activities for reading and writing comprehensions
CO3 Activities for oral and written presentation through posters/projects/reports/e-mail and assignments
CO4 Activities for group discussion and interview skills
CO5 To communicate confidently for formal and informal contexts
EC621 OE Principles of Computer Communications and Networks
CO1 To understand the concepts of computer communication
CO2 To learn the concepts of networking models, protocols and transmission mediums
CO3 To understand analog and digital communication
CO4 To learn physical and data link layer concept, characteristics and application
CO5 To understand the hardware components used in networking and its uses and application.
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1
CS701 PC Data Mining
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of data mining and data warehouses
CO2 Ability to identify the association rules, classification and clusters in large data sets.
CO3 To analyze the data mining methods for data classification and prediction in a real world problems
CO4 Ability to understand various clustering algorithms and solve the real world problems.
CO5 Ability to classify web pages, extracting knowledge from the web and solve problems.
CS702 PC Principles of Programming Languages
CO1 To understand the preliminary concepts of programming languages, syntax and semantics
CO2 To understand the concepts of various data types, expressions and control structure
CO3 To understand the concepts of subprograms, ADT and its implementation
CO4 To gain knowledge of concurrency and exception handling mechanisms in various programming language
CO5 To gain knowledge of functional, logc and scripting programming languages like LISP, PROLOG and Python
CS721 PE – II Python Programming
(PE – II)
CO1 To understand the core concepts of python programming, operators, data types, expressions and functions
CO2 To learn various types of control statements, file operation and passing parameters to functions
CO3 To understand various string related operations and recursive algorithms
CO4 To understand OOP concepts used in python programming language
CO5 Usage of GUI applications and solve GUI related problems using python language.
CS733 PE / EM743 PE Cloud Computing
(PE – II)
CO1 Ability to understand the various types of computing models/paradigms
CO2 Ability to understand enterprise cloud computing paradigms
CO3 Ability to understand the various levels of services and PAAS / SAAS.
CO4 To understand various cloud service models for monitoring and management of cloud
CO5 To understand legal issues in cloud computing and security issues
PE – III Software Process and Project Management
CO1 To gain the knowledge of software process models and reference models
CO2 To gain knowledge of software economics, phases in the life cycle of software
CO3 Analyze the major and minor milestones, artifacts and metrics from management and technical perspective.
CO4 To design and develop a software project organization and product development of a software
CO5 To acquire managerial skills for software project development and software economics
CS703 PC Data Mining Lab
CO1 To simulate a data mining for credit risk assessment for a given problem
CO2 To find a a decision rules for a given problem
CO3 Simulate a classification method of your own choice of problem
CO4 To solve a given problem using data mining techniques on real data sets
CO5 To simulate a regression analysis for a real time data set of a given problem
CS751 PC Python Programming Lab
CO1 Simulate a simple program to identify data types, arithmetic operations and string operations
CO2 Develop a program to perform various operations in lists, tuples and dictionaries
CO3 To write a program for a given problem using control statements and recursion
CO4 To simulate a program to use of function.
CO5 To simulate a program using files
Project Work
– Stage 1
CO1 To identify and define problem statement by doing literature surveys with awareness and impact of society and development
CO2 To demonstrate strong working model and ethical use of necessary modern tools used in the problem
CO3 To analyze complex problems and design appropriate engineering knowledge gained from previous courses are taken into considerations
CO4 Express team work, creative skills and innovative qualities are considered towards the completion of the project
CO5 Present the completed work, the results obtained and prepare a project report in the specified format.
Year 4 – SEMESTER 2
EE832 OE Management Information System
CO1 To provide the basic concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning and Management of Information System and evaluate the role of the major types of information systems in a business
CO2 Explain to students why information systems are so important today for business and management
CO3 To understand the concepts of ERP and its benefits
CO4 To learn the application of ERP in business
CO5 To identify the major management challenges to building and using information systems and learn how to find appropriate solutions to those challenges
CS854 PE – V Modern Software Engineering
CO1 To understand the Extreme Programming (XP) Agile
CO2 To understand the collaboration with customer and software developer
CO3 To learn how to prepare the documentation and release of software
CO4 To understand risk management, project planning and estimation
CO5 To learn design techniques for testing and developing a software
PE – V Advanced Algorithms
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of algorithm, Big-O notation, and time complexity. To solve the problem using dynamic programming approach
CO2 To learn greedy and graph algorithms and solve a real time problem
CO3 To understand sorting networks and 0-1 principle, strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm.
CO4 To solve string related problems using various string matching algorithms
CO5 To understand P,NP problems , approximation problem, vector covering and travelling sales person problem.
Project Work
– Stage 2
CO1 To identify and analyze problems in existing system and gather requirements of end user.
CO2 Identify and use modern tools for analysis and design to solve a real world problems
CO3 Communicate and work with engineers in team and the community at large in written and oral forms
CO4 To develop and demonstrate the solution with good presentation and communication skills
CO5 To prepare a project report in the specified format.
Course Outcomes (CO) R15/R13 2,3,4 YEAR
A30008 Probability and Statistics
CO1 The student was able to differentiate among random variables and probability distribution involved in the probability models useful in all branches of engineering.
CO2 The student was able to study multiple random variables, correlation and regression techniques.
CO3 The types of sampling, Sampling distribution of means, Sampling distribution of variance, Estimations of statistical parameters, Testing of hypothesis of few unknown statistical parameters
CO4 The mechanism of queuing system ,The characteristics of queue, The mean arrival and service rates, the expected queue length, the waiting line, the classification of random processes, Markov chain, Classification of states
CO5 Stochastic matrix (transition probability matrix), Limiting probabilities, Applications of Markov chain, method of distribution of random process are discussed.
A30504 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
CO1 To understand the basic notations of discrete, continuous, distribute functions and sets.
CO2 To understand various relations, functions and algebraic structures.
CO3 To understand permutation and combinational theorems, binomial theorem, principles of inclusion and exclusion.
CO4 To describe the importance of recurrence relations and solving recurrence relations.
CO5 To understand graph theory algorithms for solving problems.
A30502 Data Structures
CO1 To understand basic concepts of algorithm, performance and its complexity, ADT, Linked list, Stacks, Queue.
CO2 To learn stacks and queues and perform various operations.
CO3 To understand the various types of trees and its applications, traversing techniques.
CO4 To understand various types of sorting and searching techniques.
CO5 To understand the concepts of AVL tree, B-tree, Red-Black Tree and Splay trees and pattern matching algorithms.
A30401 Digital Logic Design
CO1 To understand basic number system, codes, logic gates and Boolean algebra.
CO2 To understand the use of minimization logic to solve the Boolean logic expressions
CO3 Able to design sequential and combinational circuits
CO4 To design a synchronous and Asynchronous sequential logic circuits using state reduction methods.
CO5 To understand various types of memories.
A30404 Electron Devices and Circuits
CO1 To understand and analyze different types of diodes and operation and its characteristics
CO2 To understand rectifies and filters
CO3 To understand analyze the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET and characteristics of CB,CE,CC circuits
CO4 To design a biasing circuits using diodes and transistors
CO5 To analyze and design diode application circuits, amplifier circuits and oscillators.
A30202 Basic Electrical Engineering
CO1 To understand basic electrical circuit components, Kirchhoff’s laws, Ohm’s law and network theorems.
CO2 To learn the basic definition and principles of AC voltages and analysis of single phase series circuits.
CO3 To understand the principles and operation of transformer, transformer test and how to calculate efficiency and regulations
CO4 To understand AC and DC machines and motors/generators
CO5 To understand the various types and classification of measuring instruments.
A30282 Electrical and Electronics Lab
CO1 To verify the basic electrical theorems like Superposition, Reciprocity, maximum power transfer, Thevenin’s and Norton Theorems.
CO2 To analyze the characteristics of DS shunt motor/ machine, single phase transformer, break test for 3-phase induction motor and DC shunt motor
CO3 To analyze the characteristics of PN junction diode, zener diode, transistor
CO4 To analyze half-wave rectifiers using with and without filters.
CO5 To analyze full wave rectifiers using with and without filters.
A30582 Data Structures Lab
CO1 To develop a program for various types of linked list such as single, double, circular, double ended queue and perform various operations.
CO2 Simulate a program for creating a stack, queue and BST and perform various operations
CO3 To simulate various sorting and searching algorithms
CO4 To simulate a program for pattern matching algorithms
CO5 To simulate a program for graph traversal techniques.
Year 2 – SEMESTER 2
A40506 Computer Organization
CO1 To understand the principles of computer organization and architecture and the basics of instruction sets, addressing modes and types of instruction
CO2 To learn various types of data transfer techniques and interfacing techniques
CO3 To understand memory organization, hierarchy of memory and characteristics
CO4 To understand 8086 architecture diagram and pin details
CO5 To learn 8086 assembly language program instructions and solve some numerical problems.
A40507 Database Management System
CO1 To understand the basic concepts , structure and the applications of database systems, design, ER model
CO2 To understand the basics of Relational model, relational algebra and calculus.
CO3 To study the SQL commands and queries for retrieval and management of data, schema and various normal forms
CO4 To understand the basics of transaction processing and concurrency control
CO5 To study and understand various database storage structures and access techniques.
A40503 JAVA Programming
CO1 To understand the concepts of OOP concepts, Java programming language, inheritance and apply them in solving problems.
CO2 To understand inheritance, polymorphism, and to study the concepts of packages, interfaces and stream based I/O
CO3 To learn the concepts of exception handling and multi-threading.
CO4 To understand and solve problems using java collection framework and I/O classes.
CO5 To understand event handling mechanisms and the design of GUI using applets and swing controls
Environmental Studies
CO1 To understand the importance of ecological balance for sustainable development.
CO2 Ability to understand importance of natural resources.
CO3 Able to understand Biodiversity and Biotic Resources
CO4 Gain knowledge of Environmental pollution and Global Environmental Problems, Global efforts.
CO5 Understand environmental policies and regulations.
A40509 Formal Languages and Automata Theory
CO1 Able to understand the concept of abstract machines NFA, DFA and their power to recognize the languages.
CO2 Able to understand the knowledge if language classes and grammars relationship.
CO3 Able to design context free grammars for formal languages and push down automata.
CO4 Able to gain proficiency with mathematical tools and formal methods.
CO5 Able to distinguish between decidability and undecidability problems.
A40508 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CO1 To understand the notations for analysis of the performance of the algorithms and describes the divide and conquer algorithmic techniques
CO2 To understand the data structure disjoint sets operations, graph traversal algorithms and describe the backtracking algorithmic technique
CO3 To solve knapsack problems, minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path problems using greedy method and dynamic programming technique.
CO4 To understand the backtracking technique and solve n-queen problem, sum of subsets problem, graph coloring problem and hamiltonian cycles.
CO5 To understand the concepts of branch and bound method, deterministic and non-deterministic algorithm, P,NP,NP-hard, NP-complete tractable and intractable problems
A40585 Java Programming Lab
CO1 To develop a java program for simple calculator applications and applet.
CO2 To implement programs using abstract class and real world problems using Java collection framework
CO3 To implement GUI programs using swing controls in Java and connect a database using JDBC
CO4 To develop multi threaded programs
CO5 To develop a java application for a real time problems
Database Management Systems Lab
CO1 Ability to design and implement a database schema for given problem.
CO2 Apply the normalization techniques for development of application software to realistic problems.
CO3 Ability to incorporate generalization, aggregation, specialization
CO4 Ability to formulate queries using SQL DML/DDL/DCL commands.
CO5 To develop a database application for a real time problems
A50511 Principles of Programming Languages
CO1 To understand the preliminary concepts of programming languages, syntax and semantics
CO2 To understand the concepts of various data types, expressions and control structure
CO3 To understand the concepts of subprograms, ADT and its implementation
CO4 To gain knowledge of concurrency and exception handling mechanisms in various programming language
CO5 To gain knowledge of functional, logic and scripting programming languages like LISP, PROLOG and Python
A50018 (OE) Human Values and Professional Ethics
CO1 The students will understand the importance of Values and Ethics in their personal lives and professional careers.
CO2 The students will understand basic ethical principles.
CO3 The students will understand Professional Practices in Engineering and Central Responsibilities of Engineers in family and society
CO4 The students will learn the rights and responsibilities as an employee, team member and a global citizen.
CO5 The students will learn Global issues in Professional Ethical Human conduct
Year 3 – SEMESTER 1
A50017 (OE) Intellectual Property Rights
CO1 Understand the importance of intellectual property rights.
CO2 Understanding and evaluating trade mark.
CO3 Law of copy rights and patents.
CO4 Determination of trade secrete status and unfair competition
CO5 Intellectual property audits and international development in trade secrets law.
A50117 (OE) Disaster Management
CO1 Understanding Disasters, man-made Hazards, environmental hazards and disasters.
CO2 To understands various types of environmental hazards and disasters.
CO3 Understanding capacity building concepts and planning of disaster managements
CO4 To understand the challenges posted by disasters, cyclones and its causes, chemical hazards and disasters
CO5 To understand the impacts of disasters key skills.
A50518 Software Engineering
CO1 To understand the basic concepts software engineering and software process models
CO2 Ability to translate end-user requirements into system and software requirements and models
CO3 Ability to identify and apply software architecture and design in a given problem
CO4 To understand the various testing strategies in software problems ad able to develop a simple testing report
CO5 To understand various software metrics and quality management.
A50514 Compiler Design
CO1 Ability to learn the compilation process and its phases, top down parsing and context free grammars.
CO2 To understand bottom up parsing techniques and its types shift reducing parsing, LR and LALR, grammar and ambiguous grammar.
CO3 Able to understand semantic analysis and symbol tables.
CO4 Able to write algorithms to generate code for a target machine. And data flow analysis
CO5 Ability to design algorithms to generate machine code
A50520 Operating System
CO1 To understand the components of OS, types of OS and its operation. The students Apply optimization techniques for the improvement of system performance.
CO2 The students able to understand the scheduling policies in OS.
CO3 To understand the different memory management techniques, virtual memory, paging and segmentation concepts, page replacement algorithm.
CO4 To understand the concepts of I/O, storage and file management.
CO5 To understand the concepts of deadlocks and its types.
A50515 Computer Networks
CO1 Students should understand an overview of internet, protocols, OSI and TCP/IP model.
CO2 To understand various protocols and the components and functions of data link layer protocol.
CO3 To understand network layer concepts.
CO4 To understand inter networking concepts IPV4, IPV6, transport layer
CO5 To understand internet transport protocol UDP-RPC, TCP service model and applications.
Operating Systems Lab
CO1 To simulate a program for various system calls, CPU scheduling algorithm, page replacement algorithm
CO2 To simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention
CO3 To implement various system call functions and Inter Process Communication mechanisms and solve synchronization problems
CO4 To simulate file allocation methods and paging techniques for memory management techniques
CO5 To simulate Bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance and prevention.
A50587 Compiler Design Lab
CO1 To implement lexical analyzer using flex or lex or other lexical analyzer generating tools
CO2 Develop a program to generate a machine code from abstract syntax tree
CO3 To design a parser for a given language.
CO4 To generate abstract syntax tree using BNF rules.
CO5 To design program to generate machine code
Year 3 – SEMESTER 2
A60521 Distributed Systems
CO1 Ability to understand the characteristics of distributed systems, objects and Remote Invocation
CO2 To understand time and global states, coordination and agreement.
CO3 To understand peer-to-peer systems, inter process communication, synchronization and distributed objects and remote invocation.
CO4 To design distributed file system architecture , and some case study of Sun Network File System, Andrew file system and understand the concepts of distributed shared memory.
CO5 Ability to understand transactions and distributed transactions, concurrency control, deadlocks and recovery systems.
Information Security
CO1 To understand various types of attacks and computer security, introduction to cryptography concepts and techniques, information security performance metrics and Audit, Security methodologists
CO2 To understand various types of security audit and writing reports
CO3 To learn vulnerability and Threat management
CO4 To understand the various types of information security assessment and tools
CO5 To learn configuration management and control policies in security assessment audit
A60524 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
CO1 To understand the UML language and architecture, software development life cycle
CO2 To understand structural modeling like classes, relationships, UML object and class diagrams
CO3 To understand UML behavior modeling diagram such as use-case, activity and interaction diagrams
CO4 To understand architectural Modeling diagram such as Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams.
CO5 To learn UML pattern and frameworks used in Unified library applications.
A60525 Software Testing Methodologies
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of software testing and testing process, criteria strategies, flow graphs and path testing and its application
CO2 To gain knowledge of transactional flow testing and techniques, data flow testing.
CO3 To understand domain testing and interfaces.
CO4 To study path products, regular expression and logic based testing techniques
CO5 To learn state, state graphs, transition testing and how graph matrices develop skills in software test automation and management using latest tools.
A60010 Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
CO1 The students will understand the various Forms of Business in economics, demand analysis and forecasting.
CO2 To understand various methods of production and cost analysis, Break-Even Analysis (BEA) and its determination.
CO3 The Production, Cost, Market Structure, Pricing aspects are learnt.
CO4 The Students can understand the budgeting concepts and its types and how budgeting decisions are carried out.
CO5 To understand the financial statements and accounting analysis through ratio analysis.
A60512 Web Technologies
CO1 To gain knowledge of PHP language for server side scripting and file handling concepts in PHP.
CO2 To understand XML and how to process XML data with Java.
CO3 Able to understand Server side programming with Java Servlets
CO4 Able to understand Server side programming with JSP.
CO5 Able to understand Client side scripting with Javascript and AJAX.
A60591 CASE Tools and Web Technologies Lab
CO1 To develop UML(use case, class, sequence, collaboration, state, activity, component, deployment and test design) diagram for ATM machine system.
CO2 To develop a UML diagram for a given problem.
CO3 Write simple applications with Technologies like HTML, Javascript, AJAX, PHP, Servlets, JSPs and Connect to Database and get results
CO4 Parse XML files using Java (DOM and SAX parsers)
CO5 Implement any web application using PHP, Servlets and JSP
A60086 Advanced Communication Skills Lab
CO1 Acquire vocabulary and use it contextually
CO2 Listen, speak effectively and Communicate confidently in formal and informal contexts
CO3 Develop proficiency in academic reading and writing
CO4 Increase possibilities of job prospects
CO5 To participate in group discussions and facing interview
Year 4 – SEMESTER 1
A70517 LINUX Programming
CO1 To understand Linux utilities and Shell scripting language
CO2 To understand files and directories.
CO3 To understand Process, Signal generation and handling,
CO4 Able to understand Inter process communication.
CO5 Able to gain basic skills required to write network programs using Sockets.
A70530 Design Patterns
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of design patterns and its characteristics
CO2 To design a design pattern for a software project
CO3 To composition create a design pattern for in software design for factory
CO4 To understand the usage of structural design pattern for better class and object for a given problem
CO5 To understand the usage of behavioral pattern for an organization and communication between the objects
A70520 Data Warehousing and Data Mining
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of data mining, data warehouses and data modeling.
CO2 Ability to understand the types of data to be mined and present a general classification tasks and methods
CO3 To analyze the data mining association rule analysis.
CO4 To analyze various classification methods and techniques
CO5 To understand clustering concepts and techniques
A70519 Cloud Computing
CO1 Ability to understand the various types of computing models/paradigms
CO2 Ability to understand enterprise cloud computing paradigms
CO3 Ability to understand the various levels of services and PAAS / SAAS.
CO4 To understand various cloud service models for monitoring and management of cloud
CO5 To understand legal issues in cloud computing and security issues
A70529 Computer Graphics
(Elective – I)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of computer graphics, output primitives and polygon filling algorithms
CO2 To acquire knowledge of 2D transformations and viewing.
CO3 Ability to understand 3D object representations and to gain knowledge of 3D transformation and viewing
CO4 To study various illumination and surface deduction and rendering models
CO5 To learn computer animation techniques, function and languages
Information Retrieval Systems (Elective – II)
CO1 To understand the concepts of information retrieval systems
CO2 To gain knowledge of retrieval utilities, clustering and regression analysis.
CO3 To gain knowledge of retrieval utilities , semantic networks, parsing
CO4 To implement retrieval systems for query processing, signature files and duplicate document detection.
CO5 To gain knowledge of text search algorithms, multimedia information retrieval and distribution information retrieval.
CO1 To write shell scripts to solve problems.
CO2 To implement some standard Linux utilities using system calls
CO3 To write awk scripts to solve problems.
CO4 To demonstrate Client and Server programs
CO5 To develop network-based applications using C.
A70595 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Lab
CO1 Build a data warehouse/data mart for a given problem using open source software tools and perform various analysis
CO2 To simulate and perform data preprocessing tasks and demonstrates association rule mining for a given set of data related with the problem.
CO3 To develop and implement classification algorithm for a given set of data.
CO4 To implement clustering algorithm for set of data and do various analysis.
CO5 To perform regression analysis for a given problem
Year 4 – SEMESTER 2
A80014 Management Science
CO1 To understand the significance and principles of Management functions, Maslow’s Theory, types and evolution of organization and its structures.
CO2 To understand operations and marketing management.
CO3 To learn the concepts of Human Resource Management, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations and various levels of management systems.
CO4 To understand PERT/CPM techniques for network analysis.
CO5 To study strategic management and contemporary strategic issues, SWOT and various analysis.
A80551 Web Services (Elective – III)
CO1 To understand the concepts of distributed computing and its technologies CORBA, JAVA RMI, COM, DCOM, SOA Architecture and basic concepts of web services and architecture.
CO2 To understand the details of web services technologies SOAP
CO3 To understand the details of web services technologies WSDL
CO4 To understand the details of web services technologies UDDI,
CO5 To explore interoperability between different frameworks and to Implement WS client and server with interoperable systems
A80542 Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (Elective – IV)
CO1 Ability to understand the concepts of Ad hoc wireless networks, MANETs and topology
CO2 To understand MANET data transmission concepts and TCP protocol overview
CO3 To understand the basics of wireless sensors and applications and data retrieval in sensor networks
CO4 To understand the security of sensor networks, tools and techniques
CO5 To understand data flow style language, simulator, NS-2
A80087 Industry Oriented Mini Project
CO1 Students will be able to practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development.
CO2 Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and systematic approach.
CO3 Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for engineering projects.
CO4 Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects.
CO5 Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings
A80089 Seminar
CO1 Establish motivation for any topic of interest and develop a thought process for technical presentation.
CO2 Organize a detailed literature survey and build a document with respect to technical publications.
CO3 Analysis and comprehension of proof-of-concept and related data
CO4 Effective presentation and improve soft skills.
CO5 Make use of new and recent technology (e.g. Latex) for creating technical reports
A80088 Project Work
CO1 To identify and analyze problems in existing system and gather requirements of end user.
CO2 Identify and use modern tools for analysis and design to solve a real world problems
CO3 Communicate and work with engineers in team and the community at large in written and oral forms
CO4 To develop and demonstrate the solution with good presentation and communication skills
CO5 To prepare a project report in the specified format.
A80090 Comprehensive Viva
CO1 To analyze the student knowledge
CO2 To know the student understanding for different subjects
CO3 To understand student managerial skills
CO4 Work as an individual or in a team in development of projects.
CO5 Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings