To transform the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department into knowledge hub by Inculcating Innovative Culture.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is committed to:
1. To impart innovative, competitive skills for promoting quality engineers to contribute for technical advancements.
2. To provide multi-pronged facilities for continuous improvement in teaching-learning process and research activities.
3. To enrich the students with Industry-Institute capabilities and motivate them to become entrepreneurs.
• The Department of ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING was established in the year 2002. The department offers a four year degree (B.Tech.) with an annual intake of 60. All the laboratories are fully equipped with latest equipments and software’s. The Department tied-up with leading industries though MoUs around Hyderabad city to promote research and placements.
• The department has highly qualified and very experienced faculty with a minimum qualification of M.Tech.
• A dedicated Placement and training Cell will train the students from the Second year onwards in soft skills. Our students are well placed in various companies like PREMIER ENERGIES LIMITED., Neo Silica,, CLEANTECH SOLAR,etc.
• Apart from this we will give free GATE coaching for all 2nd, 3rd, 4th year students simultaneously in weekends.
• We just look into our daily life electrical play an vital role.
• The people certified with EEE course can even get diversified to software side finding their careers as software program developers and software engineers.
• The EEE finds its application in defense, Power Generation and Power Transmission ,etc.
• Electrical and Electronics Engineering jobs represent over 50% of all available jobs in engineering
• In India 60 % of the government jobs are from Electrical and Electronics Engineering sector
In 2020, Four Students got Placed in Premier Energies Limited.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduates should be able to
PEO1: To produce graduates with strong foundation in Electrical sciences, and prepare them with technical competency with emphasis on team work in both private and public sectors.
PEO2: To be able to apply managerial qualities and technical competence to solve challenging assignments.
PEO3: To create capability to plan, estimate and execute live engineering projects and also new product development.
PEO 4: To enable individuals ,acquire skills for life-long learning in the field of Electronics and Communication, related research & innovation to become successful Entrepreneurs.
PEO 5: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, team spirit, leadership qualities skills in Graduates and to make them aware of their social responsibilities.
Engineering Graduates will be able to
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
After the fruitful completion of B.Tech program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering , the graduates will be able to
PSO1: To prepare students to apply modern techniques and tools to solve the problems related to electrical and electronic applications.
PSO2: To enable students to analyse and conduct investigations on complex engineering activities to arrive at valid conclusions.
PSO3: To ensure students,to have expertise on communication, research projects, design documentation , conduct seminars to the knowledgeable engineering community. .
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (R13) |
B.Tech – EEE 2nd , 3rd and 4th Year (Course Outcomes) |
Year 2 – SEMESTER 1 |
Subject code |
Course Name |
COs |
Outcomes |
A30007 |
Mathematics – III |
CO1 |
Student’s will be able to apply the Frobenius method to obtain a series solution for the given linear 2nd ODE. |
CO2 |
Student’s will be able to Identify Bessel equation and Legendre equation and solve them under special conditions with the help of series solutions method. Also recurrence relations and orthogonality properties of Bessel and Legendre polynomials. |
CO3 |
Student’s will be able to analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, Integration using Cauchy’s integral theorem. |
CO4 |
Students will be able to Find the Taylor’s and Laurent series expansion of complex functions. |
CO5 |
Students will be able to the conformal transformations of complex functions can be dealt with ease. |
A30102 |
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery |
CO1 |
Able to explain the effect of fluid properties on a flow system. |
CO2 |
Able to identify type of fluid flow patterns and describe continuity equation. |
CO3 |
To analyze a variety of practical fluid flow and measuring devices and utilize Fluid Mechanics principles in design. |
CO4 |
To select and analyze an appropriate turbine with reference to given situation in power plants. |
CO5 |
To estimate performance parameters of a given Centrifugal and Reciprocating pump. |
A30404 |
Electronic Devices & Circuits |
CO1 |
To Understand and analyze the different types of diodes, operation and its characteristics. |
CO2 |
To understand diode as rectifier and to study basic principle of filters circuits and various types. |
CO3 |
Design and analyze the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET. |
CO4 |
Design biasing circuits using diodes and transistors. |
CO5 |
To analyze and design diode application circuits, amplifier circuits |
A30204 |
Electrical Circuits |
CO1 |
The student’s gets a thorough knowledge on basics of circuit concepts. |
CO2 |
The student’s gets a thorough knowledge on electrical parameters. |
CO3 |
The student’s gets a thorough knowledge on single phase AC circuits. |
CO4 |
The student’s gets a thorough knowledge on electrical parameters. |
CO5 |
The student’s gets a thorough knowledge on network theorems with which she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world problems and applications. |
A30403 |
Electro-magnetic Fields |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on vector algebra, 3-dimensional co-ordinate systems, electrostatics |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on behavior of conductors insulators semiconductors dielectrics and capacitance |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on magneto statics |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on interaction between electricity and magnetism, different laws. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations, with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications. |
A30206 |
Electrical Machines-I |
CO1 |
Identify different parts of a DC machine & understand its operation |
CO2 |
Carry out different testing methods to predetermine the efficiency of DC machines |
CO3 |
Understand different excitation and starting methods of DC machines. |
CO4 |
Control the voltage and speed of a DC machines |
CO5 |
Analyze single phase and three phase transformers circuits |
A30181 |
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab |
CO1 |
Explain the effect of fluid properties on a flow system. |
CO2 |
Identify type of fluid flow patterns and describe continuity equation. |
CO3 |
Analyze a variety of practical fluid flow, measuring devices and utilize fluid mechanics principles in design. |
CO4 |
Select and analyze an appropriate turbine with reference to given situation in power plants. |
CO5 |
Estimate performance parameters of a given centrifugal and reciprocating pump. Able to demonstrate boundary layer concepts |
A30482 |
Electronic Devices & Circuit labs |
CO1 |
Start and control the Different DC Machines. |
CO2 |
Assess the performance of different machines using different testing methods |
CO3 |
Identify different conditions required to be satisfied for self - excitation of DC Generators |
CO4 |
Separate iron losses of DC machines into different components |
CO5 |
Acquire knowledge about the working of DC machines as generators and motors. |
Year 2 – Semester 2 |
A40010 |
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis |
CO1 |
Understand the market dynamics namely, demand and supply, demand forecasting , elasticity of demand and supply, pricing methods and pricing in different market structures. |
CO2 |
Gain an insight into how production function is carried out to achieve least cost combination of inputs and cost analysis. |
CO3 |
Analyze how capital budgeting decisions are carried out. |
CO4 |
Understand the framework for both manual and computerized accounting process |
CO5 |
Know how to analyze and interpret the financial statements through ratio analysis. |
A40214 |
Power System – I |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on thermal gas and nuclear power plants operation, |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on AC and DC distribution systems operation |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on AIR insulated and GAS insulated indoor/outdoor substations operation. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on voltage control and power factor improvement techniques |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on economic aspects of power generation and different types of TARIFF methods with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications. |
A40134 |
Electronics Circuits |
CO1 |
Design and Analyse the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET. |
CO2 |
Analysis the different types of amplifiers, operation and its characteristics |
CO3 |
Design circuits like amplifiers, oscillators using the transistor diodes and oscillators. |
CO4 |
knowledge on concept of wave-shaping. |
CO5 |
knowledge on switching characteristics of semiconductor devices. |
A40407 |
Switching Theory and Logic Design |
CO1 |
Students will be able to manipulate numeric information in different forms, e.g. different bases, signed integers, various codes such as ASCII, gray, and BCD. |
CO2 |
Students will be to manipulate simple Boolean expressions using the theorems and postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions. |
CO3 |
Students will be able to design and analyze small combinational circuits and to use standard combinational functions/building blocks to build larger more complex circuits. |
CO4 |
Students will be to design and analyse small sequential circuits and devices and to use standard sequential functions/building blocks to build larger more complex circuits. |
CO5 |
Student the concepts of sequential circuits, enabling them to analyze sequential systems in terms of state machines. |
A40213 |
Network Theory |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on three-phase systems of electrical circuits. |
CO2 |
Students will be familiar with transient analysis AC and DC circuits. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on Laplace transforms, different types of network functions. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on basic parameters of two port network. |
CO5 |
Student’s will be familiar with Fourier transforms and analysis of AC circuits through Fourier transforms. |
A40212 |
Electrical Machines-II |
CO1 |
Understand the concepts of rotating magnetic fields. |
CO2 |
Understand the operation of ac machines. |
CO3 |
Analyze performance characteristics of ac machines. |
CO4 |
To understand operation, construction and types of single phase motors and their applications in house hold appliances and control systems. |
CO5 |
Analyze the concept of regulation and its calculations and special machines. |
A40287 |
Electrical Machines Lab – I |
CO1 |
Start and control the Different DC Machines. |
CO2 |
Assess the performance of different machines using different testing methods |
CO3 |
Identify different conditions required to be satisfied for self - excitation of DC Generators |
CO4 |
Separate iron losses of DC machines into different components |
CO5 |
Acquire knowledge about the working of DC machines as generators and motors. |
A40286 |
Electrical Circuits and Simulation Lab |
CO1 |
The student will analyze the characteristics of Electrical circuits & PSpice Simulation. |
CO2 |
To Perform Laboratory Experiments practically |
CO3 |
To carry out laboratory experiments on simulation & Networks. |
CO4 |
To understand the fundamentals of electrical circuits & PSpice simulation |
CO5 |
To understand the locus diagram and verification of various theorem. |
Year 3 – Semester 1 |
A50423 |
IC Applications |
CO1 |
Identify various elements, processes, and parameters in telecommunications systems, and describe their functions, effects, and interrelationship. |
CO2 |
Design procedure of AM Transmission & Reception, analyze, measure, and evaluate the performance of a telecommunication system against given criteria. |
CO3 |
Understand basic knowledge of FM Transmission & Reception. |
CO4 |
Understand various types of SSB Transmission & reception |
CO5 |
Design typical telecommunication system that consists of basic and essential building blocks. |
A50014 |
Management Science |
CO1 |
The student will be in a position to Plan an organizational structure for a given context in the organization and carry out production operations through Work study. |
CO2 |
The student will be in a position to understand the markets, customers and competition better and price the given products appropriately. |
CO3 |
The student will be in a position to ensure quality for a given product or service and plan and control the HR function better. |
CO4 |
The student will be in a position to plan, schedule and control projects through PERT and CPM. |
CO5 |
The student will be in a position to evolve a strategy for a business or service organization. |
A50221 |
Power Systems-II |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on calculation of transmission line parameters. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on performance analysis of short medium long length transmission lines. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on transients in power systems and factors affecting the performance analysis of transmission lines. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on different types of overhead line insulators, sag and tension calculation of transmission lines . |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on detailed analysis of underground cables for power transmission and distribution. |
A50211 |
Control Systems |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on open loop and closed loop control systems , concept of feedback in control systems. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on mathematical modeling and transfer function derivations of translational and rotational systems, Transfer functions of Synchros, AC and DC servo motors, Transfer function representation through block diagram algebra. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on time response analysis of different ordered systems through their characteristic equation and time-domain specifications. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on signal flow graphs and stability analysis of control systems in S-domain through R-H criteria and root-locus techniques. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on frequency response analysis through bode diagrams. |
A50220 |
Power Electronics |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on construction operation V-I characteristics commutation firing and protection of various power semiconductor devices, focused analysis of thyristor device. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on nature of the R, RL and RLE loads for different power inputs, AC-to-DC power conversion through 1-phase & 3-phase controlled rectifiers. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on DC-to- DC power conversion through step-up and step-down choppers. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on AC-to-AC power conversion through AC voltage controllers, Frequency conversion through cyclo-converters. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on DC-to-AC power conversion through 1-phase & 3-phase inverters, different types of PWM (pulse-width modulation) techniques, steady-state and transient state analysis of all the power converters. |
A50218 |
Electrical Machines-III |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on, construction operation characteristics regulation. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on regulation of synchronous generator. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on parallel-operation power circles. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on starting & speed control methods of synchronous machines. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on construction operation characteristics of single-phase motors and special machines. |
A50289 |
Electrical Machines Lab-II |
CO1 |
Understand the concepts of rotating magnetic fields. |
CO2 |
Understand the operation of ac machines. |
CO3 |
Analyze performance characteristics of ac machines. |
CO4 |
To understand operation, construction and types of single phase motors and their applications in house hold appliances and control systems. |
CO5 |
Analyze the concept of regulation and its calculations and special machines. |
A50086 |
Advanced Communication Skills |
CO1 |
The students will be able to acquire vocabulary and use it different social context. At the same time listen and speak spoken English effectively. |
CO2 |
The students will be able to read and comprehend texts proficiently. |
CO3 |
The students will be able to communicate their ideas in writing coherently. |
CO4 |
The students will be able to communicate confidently in formal and in informal context. |
CO5 |
The students will acquire behavioral skills for their possible job prospects. |
Year 3 – Semester2 |
A60223 |
Electrical and Electronics Instrumen-tation |
CO1 |
The student gets a knowledge on different types of measuring instruments their construction operation and characteristics. |
CO2 |
The student gets a knowledge on resistance voltage current measurements through potentiometers, voltage current measurements through instrument transformers. |
CO3 |
The student gets a knowledge on , power and energy measurements through watt and energy meters. |
CO4 |
The student gets a knowledge on , resistance measurements through DC bridges, capacitance and inductance measurements through AC bridges. |
CO5 |
The student gets a knowledge on operation of different types of transducers, measurement of phase and frequency through CRO, range extension of measuring instruments and different types of errors & their reduction methods in measuring instruments. |
A60222 |
Computer Methods In Power Systems |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on power system network matrices through graph theory. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on power flow studies (load-flow) through various computer methods. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on short-circuit analysis, per unit system of representation, concept of sequence impedances, symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on steady-state dynamic-state analysis. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on transient state stability analysis. |
A60225 |
Static Drives |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on, steady-state analysis control speed-torque characteristics and closed-loop operation of DC motors through phase controlled rectifiers single-quadrant two quadrant. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on four-quadrant operations forward-motoring forward-braking reverse-motoring reverse-regenerative braking operations of DC motors through four-quadrant choppers and dual converters. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on the student gets a thorough knowledge on, steady-state analysis control speed-torque characteristics and closed-loop operation of DC motors through phase controlled choppers. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on steady-state analysis control speed-torque characteristics and closed-loop operation of induction motors i.e. variable voltage characteristics through AC voltage controllers, variable frequency characteristics through cyclo-converters and Voltage Source and Current source Inverters (VSI & CSI), static rotor resistance control slip-power recovery through static scherbius and Kramer drives steady-state analysis control speed-torque characteristics. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on closed-loop operation of synchronous motors through VSI, CSI and Cyclo-converters, with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real world electrical and electronics problems and applications. |
A60430 |
Micro-processors and Interfacing Devices |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on, architecture, pin diagram, register and memory organizations. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on concept of memory segmentation, minimum and maximum mode of operations, timing diagrams, addressing modes, instruction set, assembler directives, macros, procedures, vector interrupts. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on peripheral interfacing of 8086. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on communication interfacing of 8086 microprocessor. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on 8051 microcontroller. |
A60009 |
Environmental Science |
CO1 |
Based on this course, the Engineering graduate will understand/evaluate / develop technologies on the basis of ecological principles and environmental regulations which in turn helps in sustainable development. |
CO2 |
Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems. |
CO3 |
Reflect critically about their roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world. |
CO4 |
Appreciate that one can apply systems concepts and methodologies to analyze and understand interactions between social and environmental processes. |
CO5 |
Appreciate key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions. |
A60117 |
Disaster Management |
CO1 |
Understanding Disasters, man-made Hazards and Vulnerabilities. |
CO2 |
Understanding disaster management mechanism. |
CO3 |
Understanding capacity building concepts and planning of disaster managements. |
CO4 |
Humanitarian Assistance before and after disaster. |
CO5 |
Technological innovations in Disaster Risk Reduction: Advantages and problems. |
A60290 |
Control Systems and Simulation Lab |
CO1 |
How to improve the system performance by selecting a suitable controller and/or a compensator for a specific application. |
CO2 |
Apply various time domain and frequency domain techniques to assess the system performance. |
CO3 |
Apply various control strategies to different applications (example: Power systems, electrical drives etc). |
CO4 |
Test system controllability and observability using state space representation and applications of state space representation to various systems. |
CO5 |
How to improve the system performance by selecting a suitable controller and/or a compensator for a specific application. |
A60291 |
Power Electronics and Simulation Lab |
CO1 |
Understand the operating principles of various power electronic converters. |
CO2 |
Use power electronic simulation packages& hardware to develop the power converters |
CO3 |
Analyze and choose the appropriate converters for various applications. |
CO4 |
The student is able to apply the concepts of power electronic converters for efficient conversion/control of power from source to load. |
CO5 |
The student is able to Design the power converter with suitable switches meeting a specific load requirement. |
Year 4 – Semester 1 |
A70231 |
Switch Gear and Protection |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on various types of protective devices circuit breakers and their co-ordination. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on relays and their co-ordination. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on protection of generators, transformers through different types of protective devices. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on feeders, bus-bars, concept of earthing and grounding. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on overvoltage protection. |
A70232 |
Utilization of Electrical Energy |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on electric drives characteristics and their applicability in industry, nature of different types of loads and their characteristics. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on concept of electric heating welding. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on illumination. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on electric traction-I and utilization of electric energy. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on electric traction-II and utilization of electric energy. |
A70421 |
Digital Signal Processing |
CO1 |
The student should be able to Perform time, frequency and Z -transform analysis on signals and the inter-relationship between DFT and various transforms. Understand the significance of various filter structures and effects of Round off errors. |
CO2 |
Understand the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT processing. |
CO3 |
Understand the significance of IIR digital filter. |
CO4 |
The student should be able to FIR digital filter. |
CO5 |
Understand the tradeoffs between normal and multi rate DSP techniques and finite length word effects. |
A70230 |
Power Systems Operation and Control |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on economic operation of power systems. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on scheduling of hydro-thermal power plants. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on modeling of the power system components like turbine, governor and excitation systems. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on necessity of keeping the frequency of the power system constant , load frequency control in single and two area systems and operation of load frequency controllers. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on reactive power control, uncompensated transmission line and compensation in transmission systems through shunt and series compensations, with which she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronic. |
A70228 |
High Voltage Engineering |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on basics of high voltage engineering. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on break-down phenomenon in different types of dielectrics. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on generation and measurement of high voltages and currents. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on the phenomenon of over-voltages and concept of insulation coordination. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on testing of various materials and electrical apparatus used in high voltage engineering. |
A70226 |
Electrical Distribution Systems |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on general aspects of electrical distribution systems. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on design and analysis of distribution feeders and substations. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on distribution systems analysis through voltage-drop and power loss calculations. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on operation of protective devices. used in distribution systems and their co-ordination. |
CO5 |
the student gets a thorough knowledge on voltage control and power factor improvement through capacitor compensation and distribution system faults. |
A70498 |
Micro-processors and Interfacing Devices Lab |
CO1 |
Identify relevant information to supplement to the Microprocessor and Microcontroller course. Arithmetic, Logical, String Operations on 16 Bit and 32-Bit Data. Bit level Logical Operations, Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Operations |
CO2 |
Set up programming strategies and select proper mnemonics and run their program on the training boards. |
CO3 |
Practice different types of programming Assembly Language Programs to Perform Arithmetic (Both Signed and Unsigned) 16 Bit Data Operations, Logical Operations (Byte and Bit Level Operations), Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Instructions Time delay Generation Using Timers of 8051. Serial Communication from / to 8051 to / from I/O devices |
CO4 |
Develop testing and experimental procedures on Program Using Interrupts to Generate Square Wave 10 KHZ Frequency on P2.1 Using Timer 0 8051 in 8 bit Auto reload Mode and Connect a 1 HZ Pulse to INT1 pin and Display on Port 0. Assume Crystal Frequency as 11.0592 MHZ |
CO5 |
Prepare Interfacing I/O Devices to 8051, 7 Segment Display to 8051. Matrix Keypad to 8051, Sequence Generator Using Serial Interface in 8051.8 bit ADC Interface to 8051.Triangular Wave Generator through DAC interfaces to 8051. |
A70293 |
Electrical Measurements Lab |
CO1 |
The student is able to choose instruments. |
CO2 |
The student is able to test any instrument. |
CO3 |
The student is able to find the accuracy of any instrument by performing experiment. |
CO4 |
The student is able to calibrate PMMC instrument using D.C potentiometer. |
CO5 |
The student is able to unknown inductance, resistance, capacitance by performing experiments on D.C Bridges & A. C Bridges. |
Year 4 – Semester 2 |
A80237 |
Fundamentals of HVDC and FACTS Devices |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on introduction and basics of HVDC system. |
CO2 |
The student gets a knowledge on analysis of HVDC converters and its control. |
CO3 |
The student gets a knowledge on converters control schemes harmonics filters reactive power control and power flow analysis in HVDC systems. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on basic concepts of FACTS, necessity of FACTS controllers and their operation, static shunt compensation . |
CO5 |
The student gets a knowledge on series compensation through various static series compensators. |
A80324 |
Renewable Energy Sources |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on solar energy its radiation. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on solar energy collection, storage and its applications. |
CO3 |
The student gets a knowledge on various types of renewable energy sources i.e. wind energy, biomass. |
CO4 |
The student gets a knowledge on various types of renewable energy sources i.e. geothermal, ocean, hybrid energy systems. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on principles of direct energy conversion, with which she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications. |
A80235 |
EHVAC Transmission |
CO1 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on, general aspects and necessity of extra high voltage (EHVAC) transmission, advantages and disadvantages of EHVAC. |
CO2 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on concepts of voltage gradient conductors. |
CO3 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on effects of corona. |
CO4 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on electro static field calculations and theory of travelling waves. |
CO5 |
The student gets a thorough knowledge on voltage control of EHVAC transmission, with which she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications. |
A80087 |
Industry Oriented Mini Project |
CO1 |
Students will be able to practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development. |
CO2 |
Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and systematic approach. |
CO3 |
Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for engineering projects. |
CO4 |
Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects. |
CO5 |
Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings |
A80089 |
Seminar |
CO1 |
Establish motivation for any topic of interest and develop a thought process for technical presentation. |
CO2 |
Organize a detailed literature survey and build a document with respect to technical publications. |
CO3 |
Analysis and comprehension of proof-of-concept and related data. |
CO4 |
Effective presentation and improve soft skills. |
CO5 |
Make use of new and recent technology (e.g. Latex) for creating technical reports. |
A80088 |
Project Work |
CO1 |
Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic. |
CO2 |
Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution. |
CO3 |
Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach. |
CO4 |
Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms. |
CO5 |
Conduct an engineering project and Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a Professional engineer. |
A80090 |
Comprehensive Viva-Voce |
CO1 |
Demonstrate knowledge in the program domain. |
CO2 |
Present his views cogently and precisely. |
CO3 |
Exhibit professional etiquette suitable for career progression. |
CO4 |
Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a Professional engineer. |
CO5 |
Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge on all electrical components and its usages. |